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Size Matters: Choosing the Right Alocasia Polly Plant for Your Landscape

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If you’re looking for a stunning houseplant that will add an exotic flare to your indoor space, look no further than Alocasia Polly.

This plant is famous for its striking foliage, characterized by glossy, dark green leaves with prominent white veining.With its unique and eye-catching appearance, Alocasia Polly will surely be a conversation starter and a favorite among plant enthusiasts.

But beyond its striking looks, this plant is also relatively easy to care for, making it an excellent choice for experienced and novice plant parents. So, Alocasia Polly is a plant to consider whether you’re an avid collector or just looking for a statement piece to liven up your living space.

Selecting the perfect Alocasia Polly plant for your garden can seem like an intimidating task. With so many sizes to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? Well, fret no more! In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through the key factors to consider when choosing an Alocasia Polly plant based on size – allowing you to make the best decision for your unique outdoor space.

Also called the African Mask plant, Alocasia Polly is a popular house and garden plant known for its lush, tropical foliage. Emerging from rhizomes, Alocasia Polly produces large, arrowhead-shaped leaves in a stunning array of green and white hues. As a genus, Alocasias are hardy plants that require minimal maintenance when provided with the right growing conditions. Their adaptability makes them ideal for both indoor and outdoor settings.

Sizing Options for Alocasia Polly Plants

Alocasia Polly plants are available in a wide range of sizes, from petite to giant statement pieces. Here’s an overview of the most common size categories:

Small Alocasia Polly Plants

Reaching 1 to 2 feet in height, small Alocasia Polly plants are perfectly pint-sized for compact gardens Their dainty leaves measure about 6 inches in length. Small Pollys thrive in confined spaces like patios, balcony gardens, and indoor containers They are also ideal companion plants for larger centerpiece Alocasias.

Medium Alocasia Polly Plants

With a mature height between 2 to 3 feet medium Alocasia Pollys add versatility and visual interest to garden beds. Their expansive leaves extend up to 1 foot long. Medium Pollys create focal points and inject lush textures into plantings. Their manageable size allows them to blend seamlessly into existing landscape designs.

Large Alocasia Polly Plants

Towering up to 6 feet tall at maturity, large Alocasia Pollys make dramatic statements wherever they are placed. Their enormous leaves can reach lengths of 3 feet. These substantial Pollys are stars of the show, serving as living sculptures in gardens. Their size requires sufficient space for their extensive root systems to spread out.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Your Alocasia Polly Size

To determine which Alocasia Polly size is ideal for you, assess these key considerations:

  • Garden dimensions – Measure your available planting space and hardscape to gauge what size plant it can accommodate. Large Pollys need ample room.

  • Sun exposure – All sizes of Alocasia Polly prefer partial to full shade. Ensure the location offers shade, especially for smaller plants.

  • Climate adaption – While cold hardy, Alocasias flourish in warm environments. If your climate is marginal, stick with more compact Pollys.

  • Maintenance needs – Larger Pollys require more intensive care. Ensure you can provide sufficient water, feeding, and other maintenance for the plant’s size.

  • Budget – Price tends to increase along with plant size. Set a realistic budget and select an appropriately sized Alocasia Polly for your wallet.

  • Design goals – Consider if you want a subtle accent or bold focal point. Choose a size that aligns with your overall landscape vision.

Tips for Successfully Growing Your Alocasia Polly

Once you’ve selected the ideal Alocasia Polly for your needs, focus on providing proper care to keep it looking spectacular. Here are some key tips:

  • Situate in a spot with indirect sunlight and high humidity.

  • Use a fertile, well-draining potting mix and repot when rootbound.

  • Maintain moist soil and avoid overwatering, especially in winter.

  • Mist leaves regularly and group with other plants to increase humidity.

  • Stake large leaves for support and prune off dead foliage when needed.

  • Fertilize with a balanced plant food every 2-3 weeks during the growing season.

Discover the Perfect Polly for You!

Alocasia Polly brings dynamic tropical flair to gardens of all sizes. By factoring in critical considerations like space, growing conditions, and your goals, you can confidently select the ideal Polly plant for your unique landscape. A thriving, beautifully sized Alocasia Polly will beautify your outdoor space for years to come.

So go ahead, take the plunge and welcome a perfect Polly into your gardening family. Just be sure to give it the care it needs, and it will handsomely reward you with its enticing palette of shapes, textures, and colors. Your landscape will never look better!

size matters choosing the right alocasia polly plant for your landscape

What’s an Alocasia Polly?

This unique elephant ear plant was developed as a smaller version of its parent, Alocasia x amazonica ‘Polly’ (assumed scientific name). Alocasia x amazonica is a hybrid produced by cross-breeding two other Alocasia species: Alocasia watsoniana and Alocasia sanderiana.

Alocasias are members of the Aroid family and native to different parts of Asia but can also be found in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Australia.

Although its name suggests otherwise, neither Alocasia variety originates from the Amazon rainforest. Alocasia Polly was artificially created, although its ‘ancestors’ can be naturally found in Asian rainforests.

Two common names for the Alocasia Polly are African Mask Plant and Amazonian Elephant’s Ear, and ironically, its roots are in another continent. Alocasia Polly’s ‘parents’ are native to China, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia.

This unique cultivar was created in the 1950s by Salvadore Mauro, a Florida developer and greenhouse grower who owned the former Amazon Nursery.

The boldly patterned and dark green leaves of the Alocasia Polly plants make it stand out from a regular alocasia or other regular houseplants.

But, at the same time, its small size means that even in limited spaces, you can find room to grow your own Alocasia Polly.

This elephant ear plant also helps clear the air from harmful chemicals like formaldehyde.

The care guidelines for Alocasia Polly plants are a little more critical than others. Alocasia Polly is a pretty fussy plant and will go into hibernation mode or die off if its care is lacking anywhere.

Adequate care of this plant entails supplying this tropical plant with rainforest-like conditions. This plant care essentially involves bright indirect light, warm and humid environment, and consistently moist soil.

Imitating rainforest conditions for Alocasia varieties is crucial. Finding the right location, light, temperature, and humidity can be challenging.

The ideal location for this plant is in a greenhouse where temperature and humidity can be controlled. But luckily, this plant can also thrive inside your home with extra care.

One of the most important factors to keep your Alocasia plant happy is humidity; luckily, there are other ways to ensure the moisture in the air is enough for your plant, like placing it in the bathroom or the kitchen or keeping it near a humidifier.

When found in the rainforest, Alocasia plants grow under canopy trees. While the tropical sun is bright and hot, the trees filter it out for the plants. When you have an Alocasia Polly at home, the light requirements are bright, indirect sunlight. These lighting needs can be met by placing your plant directly in a north or east facing window where it will receive the soft morning light instead of harsh direct light.

If all you have is west or south exposure, find a place out of the full sun because direct sunlight can burn or bleach the plant’s leaves. A sheer curtain can help block the harshest rays if needed. If you move your plant to a higher-light location, be sure to acclimate it carefully.

Wipe your plant’s leaves occasionally with a soft cloth to remove dust and help your Alocasia Polly soak as much light as possible.

This plant is slightly demanding with its water needs. Alocasia Polly enjoys consistently moist soil (but not soaking wet). Alocasia Polly plants thrive in the rainforest’s damp soil, which is never saturated. Your Alocasia watering routine needs to maintain the same moist consistency.

Water your tropical plant whenever the top inch of the soil is dry by gently moistening the top layer. Never let your Alocasia sit in water; it cause the roots to need air, and overwatering your plant can cause root rot.

As tropical plants, they need to have their soil consistently damp but not soaking wet. The best way to know when to water your plant again is to put your finger into the top inch of the soil, and if it feels dry, water thoroughly until you see excess water coming out of the pot’s drainage hole.

Alocasia plants can be sensitive to chlorine found in tap water. So you may wanna use distilled water instead or let the tap water sit for several hours before using it.

As mentioned before, the air around this tropical plant should stay quite humid.

Like all tropical houseplants, Alocasia Polly plants can struggle, especially during Winter.

To combat this, you can spray your plants regularly or use a humidity pebble tray and a layer of water, but a humid setting is the best way to keep your plant happy and healthy.

One of the best options is to run a humidifier or group plants together to create a mini rainforest setting using an old aquarium, a greenhouse cabinet, or a humidity box and keep it on a high humidity setting.

Alocasia Polly plants should always be kept moist, but as with almost all plant species, the soil should not be soaking wet as root rot and other problems can become an issue.

Plant roots especially need well-draining soil and plenty of air pockets.

You can always buy Aroid soil mix for your Alocasia ‘Polly’, but it’s also easy to make yourself (many houseplants appreciate these airy and potting soil-free mixes).

Combine 1 part of perlite, five parts of orchid bark, and 1 part of sphagnum moss for a basic Aroid mix.

If you have a lot of greenery, DIY-ing can cut costs. Also, an easy draining soil with lots of coco coir will help keep the plant’s balance.

The Alocasia Polly plant blooms all year round as it uses a lot of energy to grow quickly.

If you want to keep up with your plant’s growth, you need to fertilize it once per month during its growing period in spring and summer; and once per quarter in fall and Winter, except when the plant goes into dormancy.

The best way to fertilize Alocasia Polly plants is by using liquid fertilizer or fertilizing sticks (stick to the package instructions). When you use these types of fertilizers, you won’t have to fertilize your plants as often as stated before, and you can stick to 3-4 times per year.

Fertilizing your Alocasia Polly will encourage the strong and healthy growth of its arrowhead-shaped leaves.

If your plant has problems like pests or root rot, DO NOT fertilize it. Fertilizing a damaged plant will put it in a more stressful situation.

Once your plant recovers, you can continue with your normal care routine.

This plant’s propagation is usually done by root division, as stem cuttings won’t work –unlike other plants. However, it’s really easy to propagate this tropical plant when you repot it every two years or so.

First, pull the root ball out of the pot, and shake off most of the soil (or as much as possible). After this, you should be able to see a tangle of corms twisted together; gently tug them apart – you can cut them if necessary.

Alocasia Polly’s common problems

As mentioned before, Alocasia Polly can be difficult to grow, but most of this plant’s problems can be avoided with proper care. Use your plant’s leaves to indicate potential issues.

If you notice your Alocasia Polly’s leaves are curling up, it’s more likely that your plant is getting too much direct light and/or too little humidity. Change one variable at a time to spot the source of the issue.

Alocasia Polly Plant Care Tips | Alocasia Amazonica Full Care Guide


Can Alocasia Polly go outside?

Alocasia Polly Plant can be grown outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 10a-12b. Find your local hardiness zone here.

Where to put Alocasia polly?

The Alocasia Polly needs to be placed in a well lit room. She needs plenty of natural light to survive and should be placed in a spot where she can see a window. An east or west facing room would be ideal as this offers gentle sunlight rather than midday heat.

How big will Alocasia Polly get?

‘Polly’, sometimes commonly sold under the name of African mask plant or elephant’s ear, is a compact hybrid that typically grows to 2′ tall and as wide. Large dark green leaves not only feature dramatic silvery-green to white veins but also produce attractive shades of yellow and green when backlit by sun.

Where to place an Alocasia plant?

Place indoor plants in a location that receives bright indirect light such as a window with eastern or western exposure. Outdoors, grow in a spot that receives open shade. Avoid direct sun exposure to prevent leaf scorch. Alocasia light needs can be supplemented with artificial grow lights.

How big does Alocasia Polly get?

How Does Big An Alocasia Polly Get? Alocasia Polly can grow quite large, reaching heights of up to 3 feet. The size of the plant will depend on several factors, including the growing conditions and the age of the plant. Young plants typically grow more quickly than older plants and will reach larger sizes.

How to grow Alocasia Polly?

If you are not able to provide your Alocasia Polly with the right growing conditions, it is best to choose another plant that will be more suitable for your home. Besides good drainage, the plant requires well-draining soil. Use a pot with drainage holes. Having a pot with drainage holes means that the extra water won’t stay in the container.

How big should a Alocasia Polly pot be?

The pot size should also be considered when planting your Alocasia Polly. In general, these plants are sold in 6-inch pots. When you need to re-pot it then go for a bigger pot that is 18-inch wide and 16-inch in depth. This plant requires well-drained soil, rich in organic matter.

Can Alocasia Polly be propagated by division?

If your healthy alocasia Polly is growing from at least two bulbs with two leaves, you can propagate the plant by division. If you have a mature plant that’s beginning to crowd its pot, division is a great solution. The best time to propagate alocasia Polly is during the spring and summer when the plant is actively growing.

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