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Refresh Your Home with a Hanging Alii Ficus Tree

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Ficus Alii is a beautiful perennial ornamental fig and can be a terrific addition to your houseplant collection. This plant is known for its deep green and bushy foliage. The long, narrow, and willowy leaves give it a classy look. The glossy gaze on the greenery makes it more eye-catching. With its growth, the Ficus Alii may divulge a very thick trunk with pronounced beautiful variegation, giving it a palm-like appearance.

This striking plant is called Banana Leaf Fig due to its lean verdures. Other names of the plant are Ficus Maclellandii and Ficus Binnendiijkii. The plant makes a bold statement in any bright room. The Ficus Alii is originally from Malaysia and India.

The graceful, cascading branches of the Alii ficus make it a gorgeous choice for hanging displays. Let this easy-care houseplant breathe new life into tired rooms with its fresh colors and free-flowing form. Introducing a hanging Alii ficus elevates your decor while purifying indoor air.

Why Choose a Hanging Alii Ficus?

Native to humid Asian jungles, the Alii ficus thrives indoors in bright, indirect light. Its long trailing stems and rich green foliage cascade beautifully in suspended pots.

Air-Purifying Ability

The Alii ficus filters indoor pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. Its large leaf surface area absorbs toxins and releases oxygen.

Low Maintenance

This hardy ficus adapts well and requires little care when given proper light and humidity It tolerates occasional forgetful watering

Graceful Display

Slender arching branches waterfall down in a gorgeous natural spectacle Position a hanging Alii ficus by a window to showcase its pendant form

Tips for Displaying Your Hanging Alii Ficus

Follow these tips for an artful suspended Alii ficus installation:

  • Choose a hanging pot at least 12 inches wide with drainage holes. Include a drip tray to protect floors.

  • Situate in bright, indirect light to encourage lush hanging growth. Some direct morning sun is tolerated.

  • Use sturdy hooks, chains, or a hanging plant stand to securely suspend the pot.

  • For fullness, start with a young Plant with trailing stems long enough for the desired height.

  • Turn the pot periodically so all sides get equal light exposure and even growth.

  • Mist often or use a pebble tray to provide humidity. Avoid drafts.

Ideal Room Locations

A hanging Alii ficus tree enhances these indoor spaces:


Greet guests with this natural beauty. Position it by the front door to purify air entering your home.

Living Rooms

Let it steal the show as a living work of art. Place by a sunny window or skylight.

Dining Rooms

Add an elegant touch over your table. Just keep misting and soil drips off tabletops.


Its graceful form and air purification create a relaxing retreat. Site near an east-facing window.

Home Offices

Add life to your workspace. Its trailing stems make a lush green backdrop for video calls.

Creatively Styling Your Hanging Alii Ficus

Make your suspended Alii ficus a true statement piece with these styling suggestions:

  • Surround the pot with coordinating nursery pots in a vertical row for a multi-layered look.

  • Intertwine string lights through the cascading branches for a whimsical feel. Go for warm white or natural twig lights.

  • Incorporate other trailing greenery like pothos or philodendron around the edges for added fullness.

  • Use the Alii ficus as the focal point of a plant wall with artfully arranged companion plants.

  • Show off the tree’s aerial roots by leaving them uncovered or training them along a moss pole.

Maintaining a Healthy Hanging Alii Ficus

Caring for your suspended Alii ficus ensures its longevity and beautiful appearance:

  • Water thoroughly when the top several inches of soil become dry. Adjust for light and humidity.

  • Wipe leaves often with a damp cloth to remove dust and increase light exposure.

  • Rotate the pot to encourage even growth on all sides. Prune leggy stems if needed.

  • Monitor for pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and scales. Isolate and treat any issues promptly.

  • Repot every 2-3 years in spring, moving up just 1 size. Use well-draining potting mix amended with perlite or orchid bark.

Refresh Your Decor with This Cascading Beauty

Let a lush hanging Alii ficus tree become the verdant focal point of your indoor space. With graceful draping foliage, natural air purification, and easy care, it’s an excellent way to freshen up tired rooms. Display it creatively and you’ll enjoy its tropical vibes for years.

use a hanging alii ficus tree to freshen up your space

Light Requirements for Banana Leaf Fig

This Ficus plant prefers bright and indirect sunlight. Although it can do well in medium to low light, but the growth slows down, which you won’t like as a plant parent. Though the plant loves bright light, keep it away from direct sun, or it will burn its foliage. The best location for this fig is the east-facing window, where it can receive appropriate light for its growth. As the plant grows in the direction of the light, the weekly rotation will maintain its shape.

This hardy plant can thrive well in normal household conditions. However, it prefers above-average humidity levels between 60% to 80%. If an environment is too dry, try increasing the humidity by misting the plant regularly, or installing a humidifier will also work. If the plant isn’t provided with the required humidity, it can result in slow growth, brown leaf tips, and leaf loss.

Coming to the temperature, the plant is relatively tolerant to temperature fluctuations. The ideal temperature range for its growth is 60⁰ F to 80⁰ F, but the temperature shouldn’t drop below 45F. Never place the plant near a heater or AC; sudden and frequent variations in temperature can also affect the plant’s growth.

Periodic pruning and maintenance are required for the Ficus Alii plant as it can grow tall. Additionally, prune dead, damaged, and discolored leaves regularly to maintain the plant’s appearance and shape. The ideal time for trimming is the early spring season. Always use sharp and sterilized shears and scissors for the plant’s clipping.

Regular cleaning of leaves using a shine and cleaner spray prevents pest attacks and maintains the foliage radiant.

Repotting Amstel King plant

The Ficus Alii likes to be root bound and needs repotting every after 2 to 3 years. When the roots start to bulge out from the pot, it’s the ideal time to repot your Ficus Alii and the perfect season is spring.

  • Before repotting, take a next-sized container having drainage holes in it.
  • Hydrate the plant 24 hours before transplant to reduce relocation shock.
  • Take the plant out of the pot and inspect the soil and roots for diseases and pests.
  • In case of pests and root rot, remove the affected areas before moving the plant to a new container.

After transplanting the plant into a new planter, water it thoroughly and place it in a bright, ventilated space.

The propagation of Ficus Alii is possible at home, but it can be a bit difficult for beginners. However, the plant can be propagated through stem cuttings and air layering. Both methods are equally successful.

  • Select a healthy plant branch with a couple of leaves.
  • Cut that branch using a sharp knife or scissors. The branch should be 4 to 6 inches long.
  • Dip the cutting end in a rooting hormone and plant it in a container with fresh soil.
  • Keep it in a bright location with indirect sunlight and water it thoroughly. The new roots will emerge in a few weeks, and the plant’s growth will start.

Alternatively, the branch can be kept in water for root development. Keep the water jar in a humid place, such as the kitchen, and wait for the roots to come out. In 2 to 4 weeks, the cutting will grow roots and plant the cutting in a pot with preferred potting soil. Water the plant regularly and put it in a bright space for fast growth.

Ficus Alii Care & Info (Ficus maclellandii)


Where do you put Ficus Alii?

Similar to most ficus trees, the Alii should be placed where it will receive plenty of bright indirect light. It does not fare well with extended periods of direct sunlight, however, this plant will not tolerate low light conditions.

What are the disadvantages of the ficus tree?

The Ficus tree’s root system is very invasive. Merely planting this tree without any guidance can later lead to buckling pavement on driveways, streets, curbs, and damaged underground utilities and drains.

What is the spiritual meaning of the ficus tree?

The figs that grow on it in the wild means that Ficus is seen as the tree of peace and abundance and the Middle East. The seeds in the fruit represent unity and universal understanding and knowledge.

Where is the best place to put a ficus tree?

Ficus prefers to stay put. In fact, the seemingly simple and harmless act of moving it from one corner of the room to the next, or even a few feet for that matter, may cause it to lose its leaves. So give the plant a permanent spot in your home, ideally one that receives moderate to bright light.

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