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what are the little bugs on my alpine storks bill flower

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What Are The Little Bugs on My Alpine Storks Bill Flower? An Identification and Control Guide

Have you noticed some tiny insects crawling around the leaves and flowers of your beautiful alpine storks bill (Geranium cinereum) plants? These little bugs can be alarming at first glance, but most are harmless and easy to control Properly identifying and managing pests on alpine storks bill is key to keeping your plants healthy and thriving In this article, we’ll explore the most common little bugs found on alpine storks bill and provide tips to control infestations naturally and safely.


The sap-sucking aphid is one of the most prevalent pests on flowers and edibles. On alpine storks bill, aphids appear as tiny pear-shaped insects in colors like green, yellow, black or brown. They tend to cluster on new growth and the undersides of leaves, where they pierce plant tissues and feed on sap. An aphid infestation can cause curling, wilting, yellowing or distortion of leaves and stunted plant growth. Honeydew secretions left behind may also promote sooty mold growth.

To control aphids, start by spraying them off with a strong stream of water. Insecticidal soap or neem oil sprays can also help by suffocating and repelling these soft-bodied insects. Introduce ladybugs and other beneficial insects like lacewings or parasitic wasps to naturally prey on detrimental aphid populations.


Minute thrips are winged insects under 1/25 inch long. Different species come in colors ranging from straw yellow to dark brown. They rasp plant tissues and feed on the exuding sap, causing silver-white stippling, discolored patches and deformed growth on alpine storks bill leaves and flowers. Thrips reproduce rapidly, so infestations can explode quickly.

Prune off heavily infested parts of the plant. Use reflective mulches to deter thrips from plants. Spray insecticidal soap, neem oil or spinosad pesticides to control thrips. Natural predatory mites can also be introduced to devour thrips.

Spider Mites

Spider mites are tiny pests related to spiders. At about 1/50 inch long, they are identified by their oval bodies and 8 legs. These little bugs come in colors like yellow, brown, red or green and usually congregate on the undersides of leaves. Spider mites pierce plant cells and suck out fluids, causing a stippled, bronzed discoloration on foliage. Fine webs may also be visible on infested plants. Hot, dry conditions favor spider mite infestations.

Increase humidity around plants by misting frequently. Apply insecticidal soap or neem oil sprays to suffocate mites on contact. Release predatory mites which voraciously consume spider mites.


True to their name, adult whiteflies have powdery white wings and bodies about 1/16 inch long. Nymphs are flattened oval scales found on the undersides of leaves. Whiteflies suck plant sap, causing yellowing or death of leaves. They excrete sticky honeydew that promotes black sooty mold growth.

Hang up yellow sticky traps to capture adult whiteflies. The traps mimic foliage and attract the insects. Spray neem oil or insecticidal soaps to smother and repel whiteflies. Natural predators like ladybugs, lacewings and parasitic wasps can also control infestations.

Fungus Gnats

Fungus gnats are tiny dark flies about 1/8 inch long with long legs and antennae. The larvae are whitish-transparent, legless maggots. They are drawn to moist potting mix, where larvae feed on fungi and plant roots. This can lead to stunted growth and plant decline. Adults lay eggs in soil and don’t directly damage plants.

Allow potting mix to dry out between waterings to deter fungus gnats. Use yellow sticky traps to capture adults. Drench soil with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water to kill larvae. Beneficial nematodes can also be applied to prey on larvae.


These white cottony insects attach themselves to stems and leaves of alpine storks bill plants. About 1/8 inch long, they have oval bodies covered with waxy white filaments. Mealybugs pierce plant tissues and drink sap, transmitting harmful plant diseases in the process. Their sugary secretions can also promote sooty mold growth.

Prune off heavily infested stems and leaves. Use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to rub off mealybugs. Apply insecticidal soap or neem oil sprays to suffocate and kill them. Release ladybugs or parasitic wasps to naturally control infestations.

How to Prevent Little Bugs on Alpine Storks Bill

While most little bugs are more nuisance than danger, it’s best to proactively prevent infestations from taking hold in your alpine storks bill plants. Here are some tips:

  • Inspect plants regularly for early signs of insects like stippling, honeydew or webbing. This allows for quick treatment before bugs multiply.

  • Avoid overfertilizing plants, which causes excessive growth that attracts insects.

  • Use row covers or garden fleece to exclude pests from plants.

  • Rinse plants with water to dislodge insects.

  • Remove weeds which may harbor pests near the alpine storks bill plants.

  • Rotate spots where plants are located in the garden each year to disrupt pest life cycles.

By identifying and managing little bugs before they get out of control, you can maintain the health and vigor of your alpine storks bill flowers. A proactive, non-toxic approach combined with close monitoring is key to preventing major infestations. Your diligent care will keep these delightful plants blooming beautifully all season long.

So next time you spot some minuscule insects on your alpine storks bills, don’t panic! A little investigation and targeted action is all you need to protect your prized plants. With the tips above, you can outsmart these tiny pests and enjoy gorgeous, bug-free blooms.

what are the little bugs on my alpine storks bill flower

What is a Mealy Bug?

There are actually multiple species of mealy bug, all in the family Pseudococcidae. The ones you’re most likely to see are either the Obscure Mealy Bug, Pseudococcus affinis, or the Citrus Mealy Bug, Planococcus citri. There are numerous other species, but the general treatment and appearance is the same.

They’re almost all small, segmented little bugs that bear a passing resemblence to soft looking roly polies. Usually, they’re a bit fuzzy or waxy looking, and will lay eggs in cottony looking egg sacs. Mealybugs will eat plant sap and excrete “honeydew” and wax, causing a distinctive buildup that is easily recognizable on more infested plants.

Due to the excretion of honeydew, ants will common bring mealy bugs into areas that they weren’t found previously, so keep an eye on any ant infestations around your plants.

The first sign of a mealybug infestation is often plants that don’t quite seem to be thriving, or have discoloration that can’t be readily explained by watering habits or sun exposure. You may also see the little egg sacs, which look like little white fuzzy ovals.

At right is my Aeonium “Mardi Gras”, a succulent that normally goes dormant in summer and looks a bit raggedy no matter what during this time of year.

But if you look closely, you can see that it’s a bit…off.

The leaves are coming in a bit funky in shape, and there’s weird ragged sides as well as pock marks and imperfect leaves even where it’s grown in new after our hail storm.

This plant is also kept on our concrete patio, next to an area where we have a persistent ant problem, and whenever I’d water this plant I’d see ants coming out of the pot. Ants moving into pots is also a strong sign of a probable mealy bug infestation.

When I checked closely, I was able to spot the tell-tale wax and dirt left behind from mealybugs.

Since I use the spray setting on my hose attachment, it appears that I’ve been blasting them off and they’re not able to get a strong foothold…but they’re still there.

In Aeoniums like this one, mealy bugs are most often spotted close to the stem in older leaves, right near the center of the rosette. If you’re seeing them in the very middle of the rosette, that is a strong sign that your infestation is quite bad and they’ve maxed out space in less visible parts of the plant.

Mealy bugs really like being close to the juicy plant stem, and in most rosette-forming succulents, you’ll find them in similar places.

I had this Dudleya next to the Aeonium above (as you can guess, also in easy reach of ants). It was a beautiful, robust speciment with white farina-coated leaves, but slowly started to get sadder and sadder as I had it.

While Dudleyas, like Aeoniums, go dormant in summer, this was not the usual summer die back.

If you look closely, you can see spotting and that the inner leaves don’t look quite right. You should also be able to see some mealybug dirt just to the bottom left of the center of the plant.

The Dudleya has a layer of farina, and that powdery coating seemed to be working in the mealy bugs’ favor, keeping them protected from water washing them away.

At left is what it looks like when the honeydew secreted by the mealies starts to develop black sooty mold, a secondary and nasty effect from the infection.

I’d already sprayed this dudleya with pesticide to treat the mealies once, and will need to again – but there are few if any actual mealy bugs visible here. This is just what they’ve left behind and is relatively easy to wash away if you know where to spray.

Another plant from that poor patio placement is my cluster of Echinopsis “Rose Quartz” cluster, which I’ve had for nearly 5 years now.

The side facing out towards the patio (and the sun) looked fine, but as I was moving plants around and checking what was left on the patio, I discovered the mealies had set up a buffet on the shaded side of the cactus.

At right is what the distinctive egg sacs look like, which can either hide a female laying eggs, juveniles, or just the egg sacs.

For any plants you have that are similarly exposed to harsh sunlight on only one side, make sure to check all sides at least occasionally! This happened to my Echinopsis in the space of about 2 months, and it’s definitely the most infested plant from the patio.

Mealy bugs also REALLY love to hide out in cactus fuzz.

If you have a cactus with a fuzzy crown, check the fuzz closely on a regular basis. I am fond of copying @cactusupdate and using a paintbrush to gently brush the fuzz on my cacti and use that as an opportunity to look for signs of mealies.

For my Coryphantha andrae at right, even the occasional brushing took me quite a while to discover the infestation hiding in the cactus’ crown. My first sign on this one was yellowing on top of the spine tubercules, and then on closer inspection, discovering mealy bug poop.

Some careful inspection with dull tip tweezers led to discovering nests of mealy bugs hiding in the fuzz of the crown of the cactus.

I was able to grab one large one with the tweezers, visible left.

In the fuzzy crowns of plants, they are particularly hard to spot, so diligence over any plants that don’t look quite right is essential.

How to Treat Mealy Bugs

There are a ton of ways to treat mealy bugs, ranging from natural methods to heavy uses of pesticides. What works best for you in the short and long term is something you’ll have to decide on your own.

One way to try and control mealy bugs is with natural mealy bug predators, such as lacewing larvae, ladybugs, and a relative of the ladybug called “the Mealy Bug Destroyer” (an Australian relative of the US ladybug).

Any and all of these can help keep mealy bugs under control, but are unlikely to completely eliminate them due to the natural balance predators and prey tend to strike. If you’re growing indoors, at least two rounds of releasing mealy bug predators should be done, preferably 3 over the course of 2 months, which should catch the mealies at pretty much all stages of development.

Outdoors, these predators are a better holistic and long term choice. All three predator types will cover (relatively) large distances, particularly compared to slow moving mealy bugs, and can easily eat hundreds of mealy bug larvae each. Periodically releasing predators into your outdoor greenhouse, yard, or simply by your plant shelf can be a useful way to keep your outdoor plants safe.

It’s not perfect, however, as my plants above show (I release lacewings every spring). You may need to use other methods in combination with your predators. If using pesticides, try to give your plants at least 2 weeks between your last pesticide application and when you release the predators, as pesticides will kill the good guys too!

There’s two main ways that pesticides can work: systemic (absorbed by the plant with the intention that the pest eats the poison), or topical/spray (intended to kill the pest that touches it).

Make sure when using spray pesticides that you are not spraying blooms, or that blooms are not expected for the two weeks that a systemic pesticide is usually effective. These chemical sprays will poison butterflise and bees just as much as they’ll kill mealies, and can even have negative impacts on your local hummingbirds.

Many of the Bonide brand slow-release systemic granules can be effective, and for plants with powdery farina you want to preserve or a dense fluffy crown, this may be your best bet for eradicating an infestation. For my Coryphantha above, I had to mix granules into the soil in combination with a spray I used on the exposed flesh with no fuzz.

I alternate my pesticides when using sprays to cover as wide a range of potential pests as possible, and to ensure they don’t become resistant. I prefer to use a perimeter spray after the last expected rain of spring, usually around May or June, and create a barrier around my plants to try and prevent ants from moving in (can you tell I didn’t do that this year?).

When bringing home new plants or if I see an active infestation with ants in the soil, I’ll use the typical Bioadvanced 3-in-1 insect, disease, and mite control. The active ingredients are Imidacloprid, Tau-fluvalinate, and Tebuconazole. This is also a systemtic pesticide, so even with rain, it’ll keep working.

For broader applications and in-ground plants, I use the Complete Insect Killer to help with grubs, fleas, and mosquitoes, which also has Imidacloprid but is paired with Beta-cyfluthrin.

I use the “big guns” for the greenhouse and indoors – TalStar is a long lasting residual pesticide that targets insect nervous systems, causing them to weaken and eventually die. It is not immediately effective, and relies on the bugs walking on or through it, so its not great if you’re looking to immediately knock out an infestation. It works best as a barrier, and before we got chickens, I would spray around the base of my potted plants each year. It is toxic to birds and reptiles, however, so I no longer use it where wildlife or our pet creatures can get near it.

In my greenhouse, it’s been fantastic as a method for keeping ants out, which have been the biggest issue with my efforts to eliminate mealybugs. It lasts up to 3 months, so I expect to just have to reapply every season since the interior of the greenhouse is sheltered.

Erodium | Stork’s-bills


What are the tiny mites on my flowers?

Spider mites are very tiny plant pests that are related to spiders. They feed only on plants. The colors may be reddish or light green with two dark spots. They are about the size of a period on a page.

Why are there little bugs in my flower?

Why are there tiny bugs in my houseplants? Plants often attract bugs when they’re in poor health or if their environment is subpar. For example, fungus gnats appear when you’ve over-watered your plant, and spider mites are attracted to leaves that are covered in dust.

What are the bugs on my calibrachoa?

Aphids tend to be found on flowers and new growth of Calibrachoa. Lastly, Million Bells are highly attractive to aphids. With baskets hung up in the greenhouse, they can be “out of sight, out of mind”, but regular monitoring is needed to prevent large aphid outbreaks.

How do I get rid of bugs in my bouquet of flowers?

Fill a basin or sink with the soapy water and submerge your flowers, allowing them to soak for several minutes. The soap suffocates and drowns the bugs, making it easier to remove them from your flowers. Add an extra cup of water if you haven’t fully immersed the flowers into the liquid.

What does a stork’s Bill look like?

Common Stork’s-bill is hairy plant of dry grasslands, and bare and sandy areas, both inland and around the coast. Its bright pink flowers appear in May and last through the summer until August. The resulting seed pods are shaped like a crane’s bill (hence the name) and explode when ripe, sending the seeds, with their feathery ‘parachutes’, flying.

How to get rid of pests & insects on garden flowers?

How to get rid of pests and insects on garden flowers varies depending on the type. In most instances, organic growers can regain control of their plants through the patient use of manual techniques. Hand-picking is an especially effective option for larger insects and those that feed during the day.

Do insects eat flowers?

Local wildlife is known to browse and damage garden plants, but insects that eat flowers are especially problematic. Though some species can be easily identified, others may require research or be otherwise difficult to recognize.

Do Pillbugs eat flowers?

Making their home in decaying plant matter, pillbugs (also known as sow bugs) are isopods. These soil-dwelling crustaceans can often be found in large numbers throughout compost and potting mixes. While you may be alarmed to find these unique creatures in containers and garden beds, they generally do not pose a threat to flowers.

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