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Tracing the Botanical History and Origins of the American Elderberry

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Our native elderberry, American elder, Sambucus canadensis, is an attractive, relatively large shrub, whose flowers and berries can be made into an array of medicinal, food, and beverage products. Along with its relative, European Elder, Sambucus nigra, elderberry is enjoying a revival of sorts as a medicinal herb although its healing properties were noted by Hippocrates as early as 400 BC.

My first encounter with elderberries was with wild bushes growing on the shoreline of the pond where I fished growing up. On late summer mornings, after fishing since sunup, we would pick a few handfuls of the purple berries for mid-morning replenishment before returning to the task of catching our dinner. The berries’ somewhat bitter taste and astringency was no deterrent to hungry boys. There were many days when we were more successful picking elderberries than catching fish.

While there are a few cultivars worth considering, the native Sambucus canadensis is a shrub with a cane habit that can grow to be anywhere from 4 to 15 feet tall and of equal width. It is native to eastern North America from Nova Scotia to Manitoba and Florida to Texas.

Leaves are pinnately compound, with 5 to 11 leaflets per stem, each averaging about 5 inches long. Edges are finely serrated. Clusters of small white flowers, called cymes, are typically 3 to 10 inches in diameter.

Elderberries prefer well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Roots tend to be fibrous and shallow. The shrub reaches full berry production in the third or fourth year, and canes become productive in their second year. They prefer sun but will adapt to part shade and are hardy in zones 3-10.

Elderberries are cross pollinators so at least two varieties within 50 or 60 feet of each other are required for pollination. Flowering and fruiting typically occurs in late August to early September, with exact timing varying a couple of weeks in each direction for different cultivars.

It is a good idea to add a nitrogen-based fertilizer to the root perimeter yearly to support growth.

Two-year-old canes are the most productive. Flower clusters form on terminal ends of current season growth. Careful pruning will increase production and help reduce pest threats. Remove dead, broken and weak canes as noticed. Canes lose vigor after 3 years and should be removed at ground level during dormancy. Leave a roughly equal number of 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old canes intact.

To harvest, cut berry clusters from the plant, then strip berries. Use quickly or freeze to preserve.

Note that the Red Elderberry, Sambucus racemosa has bright red fruits that are poisonous to humans.

They also have minor susceptibility to thread blight, root rot, and verticillium wilt, but problems are typically manageable.

There are three insect pests that commonly attack elderberries. There are few registered insecticides for elderberries, so most control is cultural:

Elderberries have been used for a variety of medicinal purposes for centuries. While science-based proof of medicinal claims is not extensive, there is some evidence that elderberry syrups and lozenges are effective at shortening the duration of flu symptoms and severity of cold symptoms for air travelers. There is less proof but considerable belief that elderberry products reduce sinus and nerve pain, constipation, and other afflictions. The fruits are high in vitamin C and do appear to have a stimulating effect on human immune systems. Persons taking immune suppressants should probably avoid elderberry products.

Flowers, picked soon after opening, can be boiled, strained, and sweetened to make syrups, wine, and cordials. They can also be dried and used to make a tea.

While there are longstanding claims of health benefits from partaking of elderberry products, there is also a risk of diarrhea, vomiting and similar symptoms from overconsumption. Leaves, stems and roots can be poisonous to humans.

Elderberry shrubs are attractive and versatile natives for borders and larger spaces, especially if the gardener enjoys processing grown produce into home remedies, food and drink. They are also a nice addition to properties working to add diversity for pollinators and birds where late summer/early fall flower and fruit availability is desirable. For those who are interested in adding elderberry but not sure, try some commercial syrup to ward off your next cold or strengthen your immune system. Your personal experience may help you decide.

The American elderberry shrub scientifically known as Sambucus canadensis produces sweetly scented white blooms and deep purple berries that can be used for jams, wines, and medicinal remedies. Throughout history, elderberry plants have been valued by many cultures for their versatility and bounty of benefits. But where exactly did this beloved shrub originate, and how did it become naturalized across North America? Let’s explore the ancestral roots and botanical backstory of the American elderberry.

Native Range and Natural Habitat

The American elderberry is indigenous to a wide swath of North America and parts of South America. Its native range stretches from:

  • Southern Canada
  • The eastern and central United States
  • Northern Mexico
  • Venezuela
  • Ecuador
  • Peru
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil

Within this broad territory. the American elderberry naturally grows in various habitats including

  • Forest edges and openings
  • Floodplains
  • Ditches and roadsides
  • Disturbed areas

It thrives best in moist soils and opportunistically colonizes new spaces whenever competition is low. The American elderberry’s adaptability has allowed it to spread widely across its native continent.

Botanical History and Legacy

The American elderberry belongs to the genus Sambucus, which has a long global history of use by humans. Archaeological evidence indicates Neanderthals consumed elderberries as far back as 60,000 years ago. Elders were also present in the diets and pharmacopeias of ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

Indigenous tribes across North and South America similarly utilized the shrub extensively before European conquest. The berries were eaten both fresh and dried, while various parts of the plant were used medicinally.

Early American colonists adopted many elderberry uses from Native Americans. They made wines, pies, jams, and medicinal preparations using local elderberry shrubs. As European settlers moved west across the continent, the American elderberry traveled with them, becoming naturalized from coast to coast.

Botanical Classifications

The American elderberry shrub has been classified under various botanical names through history:

  • Sambucus canadensis – Currently accepted scientific name
  • Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis – Former classification as subspecies of European elder
  • Sambucus mexicana – Once used for Mexican elderberry populations

It belongs to the Adoxaceae family and contains bioflavonoids similar to other family members like moschatel, honeysuckle, and buckthorn. While several Sambucus species are found worldwide, the American elderberry is distinct as the variety native to North and South America.

Cultivation and Spread by Humans

Long valued by indigenous peoples, the American elderberry’s popularity expanded in Europe and beyond once Europeans discovered its merits. By the 1600s, colonists transported elderberry plants back to Europe for cultivation in gardens.

As interest grew over centuries, propagation and hybridization created offshoots like the ornamental cutleaf elderberry. Humans facilitated the shrub’s spread by moving plants far outside their native range.

Today, the American elderberry grows wild across most of the U.S. and Canada. It is commercially cultivated on small and large scales for landscaping, food, drink, and natural remedies. Centuries of human collaboration have expanded the reach of this useful botanical gift from nature.

Modern Significance and Uses

Thanks to its hardiness, versatility, and nutrient density, the American elderberry remains a staple plant with many roles:

  • Culinary – Berries are used to make wines, pies, jellies, syrups, and more
  • Medicinal – Flowers and berries are used as antioxidants, immune support, and for other remedies
  • Ecological – Shrubs provide food and habitat for wildlife, birds, and pollinators
  • Ornamental – Varieties like cutleaf elderberry add aesthetic value to gardens and landscapes

After centuries of cultivation, foraging, and ethnobotanical use, the American elderberry’s value has clearly stood the test of time and promises to endure far into the future.

From Foraging to Farming – An Enduring North American Legacy

The journey of the American elderberry shrub parallels the intertwined history of indigenous peoples and colonists who all relied on its sustenance. Its significance remains robust in the modern era, as people continue discovering innovative ways to utilize this wild-grown treasure. Tracking the ancient origins and evolution of this botanical gift reminds us of the timeless bond between humans and nature that bears fruit to this day.

what is the origin of american elderberry shrub

Piedmont Master Gardeners • Sharing knowledge, Empowering communities PMG News

what is the origin of american elderberry shrub

  • By Ralph Morini
  • /
  • March 2020-Vol.6 No.3
  • /

Our native elderberry, American elder, Sambucus canadensis, is an attractive, relatively large shrub, whose flowers and berries can be made into an array of medicinal, food, and beverage products. Along with its relative, European Elder, Sambucus nigra, elderberry is enjoying a revival of sorts as a medicinal herb although its healing properties were noted by Hippocrates as early as 400 BC.

My first encounter with elderberries was with wild bushes growing on the shoreline of the pond where I fished growing up. On late summer mornings, after fishing since sunup, we would pick a few handfuls of the purple berries for mid-morning replenishment before returning to the task of catching our dinner. The berries’ somewhat bitter taste and astringency was no deterrent to hungry boys. There were many days when we were more successful picking elderberries than catching fish.

what is the origin of american elderberry shrub


While there are a few cultivars worth considering, the native Sambucus canadensis is a shrub with a cane habit that can grow to be anywhere from 4 to 15 feet tall and of equal width. It is native to eastern North America from Nova Scotia to Manitoba and Florida to Texas.

Leaves are pinnately compound, with 5 to 11 leaflets per stem, each averaging about 5 inches long. Edges are finely serrated. Clusters of small white flowers, called cymes, are typically 3 to 10 inches in diameter.

Elderberries prefer well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Roots tend to be fibrous and shallow. The shrub reaches full berry production in the third or fourth year, and canes become productive in their second year. They prefer sun but will adapt to part shade and are hardy in zones 3-10.

what is the origin of american elderberry shrub

Elderberries are cross pollinators so at least two varieties within 50 or 60 feet of each other are required for pollination. Flowering and fruiting typically occurs in late August to early September, with exact timing varying a couple of weeks in each direction for different cultivars.


It is a good idea to add a nitrogen-based fertilizer to the root perimeter yearly to support growth.

Two-year-old canes are the most productive. Flower clusters form on terminal ends of current season growth. Careful pruning will increase production and help reduce pest threats. Remove dead, broken and weak canes as noticed. Canes lose vigor after 3 years and should be removed at ground level during dormancy. Leave a roughly equal number of 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old canes intact.

what is the origin of american elderberry shrub

To harvest, cut berry clusters from the plant, then strip berries. Use quickly or freeze to preserve.

what is the origin of american elderberry shrub

Note that the Red Elderberry, Sambucus racemosa has bright red fruits that are poisonous to humans.

Most Common Disease and Pest Issues

Elderberries’ two most common disease issues are:

  • Cankers: caused by various fungi, they form on twigs and branches. Treatment is to prune and burn affected wood.
  • Leaf Spot: shrubs are susceptible to 4 forms of powdery mildew, which can be controlled using traditional techniques.

They also have minor susceptibility to thread blight, root rot, and verticillium wilt, but problems are typically manageable.

There are three insect pests that commonly attack elderberries. There are few registered insecticides for elderberries, so most control is cultural:

  • Elder shoot borer: the larval stage of Achatodes zeae bores into stems and shoots. The moth lays eggs in July/August on 1-year-old canes for hatch the next April/May. The larva feed initially on leaves, and then bore into shoots. By mid-June, they tunnel into dead canes to pupate, as evidenced by sawdust (frass) on the ground beneath the bore hole. Best practice is to prune out dead wood, preferably before larval entry, and then destroy all prunings.
  • Cecropia Moth (Hyalophora cecropia) caterpillars eat foliage. Hand remove them.
  • Aphid infestations may cause leaf distortion but damage is usually manageable.

Medicinal Properties

Elderberries have been used for a variety of medicinal purposes for centuries. While science-based proof of medicinal claims is not extensive, there is some evidence that elderberry syrups and lozenges are effective at shortening the duration of flu symptoms and severity of cold symptoms for air travelers. There is less proof but considerable belief that elderberry products reduce sinus and nerve pain, constipation, and other afflictions. The fruits are high in vitamin C and do appear to have a stimulating effect on human immune systems. Persons taking immune suppressants should probably avoid elderberry products.

what is the origin of american elderberry shrub

Food Uses

Flowers, picked soon after opening, can be boiled, strained, and sweetened to make syrups, wine, and cordials. They can also be dried and used to make a tea.

Berries are used to make medicinal syrups as well as jellies, wines, and cordials.

While there are longstanding claims of health benefits from partaking of elderberry products, there is also a risk of diarrhea, vomiting and similar symptoms from overconsumption. Leaves, stems and roots can be poisonous to humans.

Where They Fit

Elderberry shrubs are attractive and versatile natives for borders and larger spaces, especially if the gardener enjoys processing grown produce into home remedies, food and drink. They are also a nice addition to properties working to add diversity for pollinators and birds where late summer/early fall flower and fruit availability is desirable. For those who are interested in adding elderberry but not sure, try some commercial syrup to ward off your next cold or strengthen your immune system. Your personal experience may help you decide.


Photo credits:

Cover photo: Fruiting elderberry: Photo: Penn State Extension

Flowering elderberry: Photo: Penn State ExtensionCC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Elderberry clusters: “Elderberry and Blackberry Jam” by isapisa is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

On the patio: “Foto 241” by siavogel is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Red elderberry: “Alaska, zomer 2010” by Martha de Jong-Lantink is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Elderberry cordial: eam31 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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Growing Elderberry! What you need to know!


Where is American elderberry native to?

It is native across the U.S. except in Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Hawai’i. It is also known from Manitoba east through New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.

What is the difference between elderberry and American elderberry?

American elderberry ( Sambucus canadensis) is more shrub-like and can grow up to 8 to 10 feet high, while European black elder ( Sambucus nigra) has the makings of a small tree and will reach 20 feet. It is well adapted to a wide range of habitats.

What country did elderberry originate from?

Origin – Europe, from southern Scandinavia in the north to the Mediterranean from Greece in the east to Portugal in the west and across the sea into Morocco and Algeria. Also native to some regions of western and central Asia. Naturalized in areas of North America – especially the northeast.

Are American elderberries safe to eat?

Ethnobotanic: Only the blue or purple berries of elderberry are edible. Edible berries and flower are used for medicine, dyes for basketry, arrow shafts, flute, whistles, clapper sticks, and folk medicine. The active alkaloids in elderberry plants are hydrocyanic acid and sambucine.

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