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Tracing the Fascinating Origins of the Apache Beggarticks Flower

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As an avid gardener and flower enthusiast, I’m always eager to learn about the unique histories behind different botanicals. The apache beggarticks flower has particularly captured my interest lately. This vibrant yellow bloomer has a rich backstory spanning from North America down to Central America.

In this article, we’ll explore the ancestral origins of the apache beggarticks flower and how it came to reside in some unexpected parts of the world today.

Native Range in Southwestern North America

The apache beggarticks (Bidens aurea) finds its ancestral home primarily in the deserts and canyons of southern Arizona and southeastern New Mexico. This is the only place in the United States where this wildflower grows natively.

Its range centers specifically around Apache County in northeastern Arizona, which gives rise to its common name The Navajo peoples indigenous to this area traditionally used the apache beggarticks for medicinal purposes.

Beyond the Southwest, the apache beggarticks also grows natively throughout much of Mexico and ranges down into Guatemala in Central America. It thrives in these arid, desert-like environments.

Although the apache beggarticks originated in the Americas, human activity has helped it spread far beyond its native range. Shockingly, the flower can now be found growing wild in parts of southern Europe!

Botanists believe apache beggarticks seeds were accidentally introduced to Europe in the late 1800s. Contaminated crop seeds and soil from trading ships likely carried the tiny black seeds overseas.

Today, apache beggarticks has naturalized in countries like France, Italy, Spain, and Croatia. It grows freely in the Mediterranean climate found across southern Europe, similar to its native desert habitat.

South American Populations

The apache beggarticks has also managed to migrate down to South America after its initial North American genesis. It’s believed that the seeds floated along water currents, crossed the Isthmus of Panama, and took root in Northern Colombia.

From here, the flowers crept into Venezuela, Peru, and as far south as Argentina over many years. Again, the arid tropical environments found in parts of South America suit it perfectly.

Globetrotting Botanical Adaptability

For a plant that evolved in such a precise niche in the deserts of the American Southwest, the apache beggarticks has shown incredible adaptability to new habitats across the Americas and Europe.

Its tiny wind-borne seeds allow it to cover vast distances and take advantage of suitable environments far from its place of origin. This demonstrates the opportunistic nature of plant species.

Cultivating an Heirloom Wildflower

While most gardeners purchase nursery-grown apache beggarticks, you can also collect seeds from wild populations to grow this heirloom flower. Sow them in a sunny spot with well-draining soil for best results.

I like to appreciate the rich history behind the plants in my garden. And the far-reaching journey of the apache beggarticks makes it especially unique. Growing this storied Southwestern wildflower is a rewarding way to add vibrant color and heritage to your own landscape.

what is the origin of apache beggarticks flower

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Beggarticks aka Devil’s Beggarticks


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It is a Nyctaginaceae shrub or vine plant with 18 known species of foundation stock originating in South America. It was first discovered by the French botanist Philibert Commerson in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in the 1760s. The name Bougainvaillea was named after his friend sailor Louis de Bougainville.

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Where are beggarticks native to?

Native Distribution: Ontario; New England south to Georgia, west to Texas, and north to Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota. Native Habitat: Wet meadows, roadside ditches, abandoned fields, and low ground.

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