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Where to Buy Alocasia Plant: Finding the Best Source for These Stunning Tropical Plants

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Alocasias, also known as elephant ear plants, are absolutely gorgeous tropical plants known for their huge, heart-shaped leaves With their exotic, tropical look, alocasias make a major statement in any indoor or outdoor space.

If you’re looking to add one of these stunning plants to your home or garden, you’re probably wondering – where can I buy an alocasia plant?

Finding a reliable source for these statement-making tropicals can be tricky. In this article, I’ll share the best places to buy alocasia plants, plus provide tips on how to choose a healthy plant.

Check Local Nurseries and Garden Centers

The first place many plant lovers look when buying new greenery is their local nursery or garden center, These brick-and-mortar stores are great options for finding alocasia plants,

The main advantage of buying from a local nursery is that you can see and inspect the plants in person. Check the leaves and stems for any signs of pests or disease, and look at the roots to make sure they are healthy.

Speaking with the staff at nurseries can also be helpful. Often the employees have extensive plant knowledge and can give you care tips specific for your new alocasia.

While selection may be more limited, buying local is a great way to support small businesses in your community.

Some of the best local nurseries for finding alocasia plants are:

  • Small specialty plant stores or family-owned nurseries. These niche stores often carry more unique tropical varieties.

  • Stores with greenhouse growing facilities. On-site greenhouses mean the plants are cared for on-location.

  • Nurseries associated with public gardens or arboretums, which may carry hard-to-find specimens.

Order from Online Plant Stores

Can’t find the alocasia you want locally? Online plant stores open up a world of options. The assortment of plants available from online sellers is hard to beat.

Popular online stores like The Sill, Bloomscape, and Gabriella Plants offer gorgeous alocasia varieties suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing.

Etsy also has many plant sellers offering cool alocasia finds, including rare cultivars you won’t find elsewhere.

The benefit of online shopping is access to a huge selection. You can often find hard-to-locate alocasia varieties that local stores don’t carry.

Ordering online does mean you won’t see the plant before buying. To make sure your new plant arrives healthy:

  • Read seller reviews carefully before purchasing. Only buy from highly rated sellers.

  • Ask sellers about their shipping practices. Many use insulation and heat packs to protect plants.

  • Look for sellers that offer live guarantees. This means you can get replacements for any plants that arrive damaged.

Try Plant Swaps or Local Sales

Plant swaps have become hugely popular in recent years. Gardeners in a local area gather to trade cuttings and divisions from their plant collections.

Check Facebook or Nextdoor for plant swap groups in your city. You may be able to find someone offering gorgeous alocasia divisions for trade.

Local plant sales hosted by gardening organizations or botanical gardens are another option. These are periodic events where enthusiasts sell plants from their own collections.

The benefit of plant swaps and sales is connecting with other local gardeners. You can get advice on caring for your new plant and even find future trading partners.

Check Home Improvement Stores

Home Depot, Lowes, and other home improvement chains typically have a decent selection of indoor tropical plants, including some alocasia varieties.

While the selection is not as broad as specialty plant stores, home improvement stores are a convenient option if you’re already shopping there for other items.

Focus on choosing plants with lush, green leaves and no evidence of pests. Check the roots as well to make sure they are healthy.

The benefit of big box stores is convenience. But you may need to provide extra care for plants that were not kept in ideal conditions.

Shop at Local Farmers’ Markets

Don’t overlook farmers’ markets as a place to purchase plants! Many local markets have vendors selling gorgeous tropicals along with the standard produce and flowers.

Farmers’ markets are a great source for unique plants from small, local growers. And you’re supporting local agriculture by shopping there.

Ask vendors questions to learn about how plants were grown and their specific care needs. Also inspect plants closely for health before purchasing.

Buy from Botanical Gardens

Many botanical gardens have on-site shops with plants for sale. These are typically propagated right on-site, so they are accustomed to the local environment.

Botanical garden gift shops offer an eclectic mix of plants. And you’ll often find rare varieties that are hard to locate anywhere else.

Buying from botanical gardens is a fun experience. You can see how plants look fully grown before making selections for your home.

What to Look for When Buying Alocasia Plants

Once you’ve found a source for alocasia plants, make sure to inspect plants closely before buying.

Here are key things to check for:

  • Leaves should be green and upright, with no drooping, yellowing, or browning.

  • Stems should be sturdy and firm with no signs of breakage.

  • Roots should be white and show no evidence of rot. Brown, mushy roots indicate a problem.

  • No signs of pests like spider mites or scale insects, and no evidence of disease.

  • Soil should be moist but not soaked. Alocasias like consistently moist soil.

  • Plant should be proportional, not too leggy. If potbound, it’s ready for repotting.

Getting a healthy plant from the start will make alocasia care much easier. Take time to inspect plants thoroughly before purchasing.

Provide Proper Care for Your New Alocasia

Caring properly for your new alocasia will keep it healthy. Here are some key care tips:

  • Provide bright, indirect light or partial sun. Too much direct sun will burn leaves.

  • Keep soil consistently moist. Alocasias dislike drying out. Water when top few inches of soil become dry.

  • Use humidifiers and pebble trays to keep humidity around 60-70%, which they prefer.

  • Repot annually in spring to provide fresh soil and room for root growth.

  • Fertilize monthly in the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

  • Watch for pests like spider mites and treat any issues quickly. Catch problems early.

With the right care, alocasias will reward you with their stunning, exotic foliage for years to come.

Finding Gorgeous Alocasias for Your Home or Garden

Adding one of these tropical beauties to your indoor or outdoor space is a rewarding experience. With huge, colorful leaves, alocasias make a true statement anywhere they are placed.

Finding a healthy plant means knowing where to buy. Local nurseries, online stores, plant swaps, farmers’ markets, and botanical gardens are all great options.

Do your research to locate varieties you love. Then inspect plants closely before purchasing to start off on the right foot.

Provide consistent care, and your new alocasia will soon become a treasured part of your plant collection!

where to buy alocasia plant finding the best source

Choose the Right Alocasia Plant for Your Indoor Space

Selecting the perfect Alocasia plant involves considering your unique indoor environment, lifestyle, and preferences. Here’s a concise guide to help you make the right choice.

  • Compact spaces: Opt for Alocasia Black Velvet, known for its compact form.
  • Ample space: Embrace the bold presence of Alocasia Amazonica, perfect for larger areas.
  • Low-light areas: Alocasia Polly thrives in lower light, making it ideal for spaces with limited natural sunlight.
  • Moderate to bright light: Alocasia Zebrina prefers well-lit areas, showcasing its unique stems under bright conditions.

Alocasia Plant Care & Maintenance Guide

Your journey to maintaining a vibrant and healthy Alocasia plant is just a click away. We have a comprehensive care guide on Alocasia plants to help you. Unlock the secrets to fostering a thriving Alocasia haven with these essential care and maintenance tips:

  • Frequency: Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings; overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Indicator: Monitor the soil moisture and adjust watering accordingly.
  • Light conditions: Alocasia plants thrive in bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions.
  • Avoidance: Protect from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

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Where should Alocasia be placed in a house?

GROWING ALOCASIA PLANTS Place in a location that receives bright, indirect light, such as near an east- or west-facing window. Keep out of direct sunlight, which can scorch the foliage.

What is the best Alocasia plant?

Most alocasias are loved for their striking foliage. This is Alocasia reginula ‘Black Velvet’ – a dwarf Alocasia with velvety broad dark leaves and silver veining. ‘Black Velvet’ is one of several Alocasia species native to Southeast Asia, likely from the jungles of Borneo.

What to look for when buying Alocasia?

Buying Tips Choose a plant with no yellowing leaves and intact stems and leaf stems (petioles). Look for new unrolled leaves emerging from the center.

What do alocasias grow best in?

Humidity: Alocasia is accustomed to high humidity in its native habitat. Plants can be grown in a bathroom, kitchen or other humid environments. To increase the humidity around the plant, use a room humidifier or place plants on a pebble tray filled with water.

Where can I buy Alocasia?

Unless you’re lucky enough to live somewhere with an amazing specialty plant shop, the best place to buy Alocasias (especially Alocasia varieties that are less commonly available) is online, and I’ve linked to my favorite sources below.

Where do Alocasia plants grow?

Light: Alocasia plants grow natively under a dense rainforest canopy with bright shade or dappled sunlight. Place indoor plants in a location that receives bright indirect light such as a window with eastern or western exposure. Outdoors, grow in a spot that receives open shade. Avoid direct sun exposure to prevent leaf scorch.

Do Alocasia need a lot of water?

These plants don’t like wet feet, so if you need to improve the drainage, you could amend the mix with orchid bark or perlite, . Alocasia are water-loving plants, but there is a fine line with these plants. You want to keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. They require less water during the winter months when the plant is dormant.

Can Alocasia grow indoors?

Though alocasia can be somewhat finicky, it will thrive indoors when given the right growing conditions. How to plant: Plants prefer to be slightly pot bound. Wait to transplant until roots are visible in the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. Repot in spring when plants begin putting on new growth.

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