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Where to Buy Aloe Vera Plant: Finding the Best Source

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Aloe vera is an incredibly useful plant known for its many health and beauty benefits. The gel from the leaves can be used to treat minor burns, moisturize skin and hair, and even aid in digestion when consumed. With so many great uses, it’s no wonder many people are interested in getting their hands on an aloe vera plant. But where exactly can you find and purchase a quality aloe vera plant? Here’s a guide to finding the best source for buying an aloe vera plant.

Check Local Nurseries and Garden Centers

One of the easiest places to find aloe vera plants is at a local nursery or garden center. Most carry a selection of common houseplants and succulents, including different varieties of aloe vera. The benefit of shopping at local nurseries is you can see and inspect the plants in person before purchasing.

When choosing an aloe vera plant, look for:

  • Thick, fleshy leaves that stand upright
  • A healthy root system
  • No signs of pests, disease, or damage

Ask questions about care and get advice from the knowledgeable nursery staff Local nurseries are a great option for beginners looking for their first aloe vera plant

Order from Online Retailers

Online plant retailers offer convenience and often have a wider selection than local stores Popular online sellers like Amazon, Etsy, The Sill, and Bloomscape sell aloe vera plants that are shipped directly to your door

When ordering online:

  • Read seller reviews to ensure a reputable company
  • Select expedited shipping if possible
  • Inspect plant immediately upon arrival before repotting

Order in spring or summer to avoid cold weather damage during shipping. Online buying allows access to rare aloe varieties you may not find locally.

Check Your Farmers Market

Many farmers markets have vendors selling aloe vera plants and other succulents alongside their produce. The plants are often grown locally and farmers can offer growing tips.

Benefits of buying from farmers markets:

  • Support small/local businesses
  • Inspect plants in person
  • Establish relationships with growers

Look for vendors specializing in succulents or houseplants when browsing the farmers market. Ask questions and inspect plants carefully before purchasing.

Visit Specialty Plant Shops

Specialty plant stores and boutiques focused on indoor gardening are another option. These independently owned shops pride themselves on unique and rare varieties you won’t find at big box stores.

When shopping specialty plant stores:

  • Ask about their aloe vera selection
  • See if they have any exclusive or customized varieties
  • Get expert care advice from staff

These stores can offer a personalized shopping experience and in-depth plant care knowledge. The aloe vera plants may cost more but are unique additions to any plant collection.

Choose Healthy, Established Plants

No matter where you buy an aloe vera plant, be sure to inspect for signs of health and quality. Look for:

  • Firm, upright, and fleshy leaves
  • Established root system
  • No yellowing or brown spots on leaves

Avoid limp, leggy, or discolored plants as they likely have issues. Select plants in small to medium sized pots to prevent overwatering. With healthy starts, your aloe vera plant can thrive for years to come.

Potting and Caring for Aloe Vera

Once you get your aloe vera plant home, you’ll need to re-pot it into a container with drainage holes if needed. Use a cactus/succulent soil mix and place in bright, indirect light.

Only water when the soil is completely dry to prevent rotting. Aloe vera prefers drier conditions. Fertilize a few times during spring and summer months.

With proper sunlight, soil, water and care your new aloe vera plant will be ready to use for all your health and skincare needs in no time!

where to buy aloe vera plant finding the best source

100+ ALOE Species | Best Aloe Plant Varieties with Identification | Aloe types | Plant and Planting


How do I find a good aloe vera plant?

When buying an aloe vera plant, look for one that is in good condition and shows no signs of damage or disease. There should be no discoloration or dryness on the leaves, which should be firm, thick, and fleshy. Inspect the roots as well, which should be white and firm rather than brown or mushy.

Which company produces best aloe vera?

Forever Living Products is the largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of aloe products in the world. For more than 40 years, we have dedicated ourselves to seeking out nature’s best sources for health and beauty and sharing them with the world.

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