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where to place african mallow shrub for perfect feng shui

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Do you believe in Feng Shui? The practice of Feng Shui also referred to as Chinese Geomancy, originated in ancient China, but it has since trickled into many other parts of the world, including becoming very popular in the United States of America.

Taking control of your spaces and placing each item in your living space with a clear purpose can manifest positive energy and great successes into your life! Lucky for us, Feng Shui and indoor plants go hand in hand with one another. When you practice the art by putting intention into your home and Feng Shui plant placement, you harvest energy forces that allow you to harmonize with your environment for peace, success, family prosperity, wealth, and so much more. Literally translating to “wind-water,” the Feng Shui meaning goes more in-depth. In Chinese thought, this system of laws is considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation related to the flow of energy, and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when sitting and designing buildings (Oxford Languages).

Where to Place African Mallow Shrub for Perfect Feng Shui

Feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of placement, can help create harmony and positive energy flow in your home or garden. One important feng shui element is strategically placing certain plants like the African mallow shrub to maximize auspicious energies.

As a passionate gardener and feng shui enthusiast I’ve extensively researched how to properly place the African mallow shrub to harness its positive energies. In this article I’ll share my insights on the significance of this plant in feng shui and specific tips on ideal placement in different areas of your home and garden.

Understanding the African Mallow Shrub

The African mallow shrub, known scientifically as Hibiscus cannabinus, is a stunning bloomer native to Africa and a member of the hibiscus family. It’s a fast-growing shrub reaching up to 13 feet tall and wide, with lush green leaves and captivating 6-inch flowers in shades of yellow, pink, red or white.

In feng shui, the African mallow shrub represents vitality, abundance and prosperity. Its vibrant flowers and rapid growth symbolize flourishing energy – exactly what we want to invite into our living and work spaces! This makes the African mallow an excellent feng shui plant.

Strategic Placement for Optimizing Positive Energies

Placing the African mallow shrub in specific areas can help stimulate positive energy connected to different aspirations. Here are some prime spots in your home and garden to consider.

Front or Back Entrance
The entrances to your home represent the entry point for chi (life force energy). Positioning a pair of African mallow shrubs on either side of your front door welcomes prosperity and fortune. You can also place one shrub on each side of the back entrance to energize blessings entering from both directions.

Living Room
As the heart of the home, the living room promotes positive social connections and harmony between family members. An African mallow shrub here enlivens the space with vitality and encourages communication. Place it in a corner or near a window where its vibrant blooms can uplift the room.

Wealth Corner
Each home has a specific wealth corner, so be sure to place the African mallow here to activate financial abundance. The red flowers, in particular, symbolize prosperity in feng shui. A pair of shrubs or a large specimen tree works wonderfully to stimulate wealth energy.

Enhance focus and stimulate creativity by placing an African mallow shrub in your home office. The lush plant life purifies the energy while keeping you happily grounded as you work. Place it where you can view the blooms from your desk.

Patio or Balcony
An African mallow shrub on your patio or balcony infuses the outdoor space with positive energy. Its bright flowers and abundant foliage create an inviting vibe for relaxing and entertaining. Position it in a spot where its beauty can be enjoyed.

Flower Beds
Incorporate African mallow shrubs as anchor plants or hedges in your garden and flower beds. The vibrancy of their blooms amidst other plants boosts the area’s energy. Allow them to mingle with other feng shui-friendly flowers like roses, lilies and sunflowers.

Proper Care for Your African Mallow Shrub

To fully activate the African mallow shrub’s prosperity energies, provide proper care to keep it healthy and vigorous. Here are some key tips:

  • Site it in full sun where it can bloom freely. Provide afternoon shade in hot climates.

  • Water regularly to maintain moist soil. Increase frequency in summer.

  • Apply fertilizer in spring to fuel growth and flowering.

  • Prune lightly after flowering to encourage branching and shape growth.

  • Watch for aphids and treat promptly to avoid infestations.

  • Remove dead leaves and spent flowers to keep its energy clear.

When placed thoughtfully, the African mallow shrub can be a powerful feng shui aid for manifesting abundance. Let its special energies bless your home or garden with prosperity, creativity, tranquility and more.

where to place african mallow shrub for perfect feng shui

The Art of Feng Shui

There are several aspects to take into account when a believer, or beginner, needs to balance areas of their life. It is overwhelming even to know where to begin this journey of peace and clean energy. For starters, areas of energy are broken down into the elements. Among the five elements of Feng Shui, we have Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, and Wood, which work together as one system to make up the energy in your home and life. The wood element is a strong symbol of growth, family, and wealth. Experts often suggest indoor plants to help with the aspect of Feng Shui. When you bring bright and healthy plants into your environment, it can preserve the good Chi (life energy) and generate amazing new opportunities for your future. Strongly associated with colors, each element can be improved by simply incorporating them into your home design. Increasing the amount of greens and blues, representing expansive growth and upward development, can improve the wood element in your home.

Fun Fact: Indoor house plants are one of the few ways to transform the Feng Shui energy in your home immediately… It is actually considered a science! According to the NASA Clean Air Study, house plants are much more beneficial than their looks alone. In fact, NASA’s study found that plants play a massive part in purifying indoor air by removing organic chemicals from the air we breathe. House plants that improve air quality will also enhance the residents’ quality of life, so let us take a look at some of the best Feng Shui indoor plants that PLANTZ has to offer!

ZZZENNNN with ZZ Plants

One of our top picks is the Zamioculcas zamiifolia, also known as the ZZ Plant. This low maintenance plant is a great pick for beginners and busy bees; it can liven up any corner while improving the Feng Shui of your home. Barely needing water, light, or attention, the ZZ makes it so easy to appreciate their energy, waxy leaves, and thick branches in any living space. ZZ plant placement Feng Shui-wise is essential in order to create harmony between the individual and their home. Also nicknamed the “Eternity Plant” and the “Fortune Tree,” the ZZ brings growth and assistance wherever it lives.

With their reputation for growing fast and maintaining a strong foundation with their thick branches, ZZ’s are said to block Sha chi, the most well-known form of negative energy.

As we know, there are five elements of Feng Shui, each associated with a color scheme. But there is way more. From there, we have eight areas of life organized by a Bagua map, and how they align will ultimately create the energy for the space. This is why Bagua energy maps typically correlate to the interior design of a living space. After you are finished outlining your Bagua, it will be easier to place your plants with intention.

House plants have different impacts in each Bagua area, most of which positively shift the energy in these sectors when mapped correctly. What does this have to do with a ZZ Plant? Because the robust plant grows quickly, steadily, and upwards, this baby was meant to hold luck and prosperity properties. Feng Shui principles, including Bagua and the five elements, can be found within the energy of the ZZ, strong and stout; it is often associated with more than one Bagua area, like Zhen, which represents Family and New Beginnings, and Xu, wealth and abundance.

Try placing the Zamioculcas in a long hallway or in the energy map’s wealth area to facilitate the positive powers that the ZZ can offer you in your home.

Next up, we have our fan favorite, but this plant can also serve as a learning lesson on plant parenthood… You guessed it, the Fiddle Leaf Fig. As easy-going as plants can be, they will still need attention and love every now and again. That is especially true when you bring a Fiddle Leaf Fig into your life! Also known as a Ficus Lyrata, her massive, bright green leaves attract many; she creates her own aura, so this plant’s personality will transform any space.

The patience and tender love and care that you show your Fiddle Leaf Fig will expand your wisdom beyond measure and, in turn, activate the Gen area of the energy map when placed thoughtfully. If you are looking for good Feng Shui plants for front of house placement, a Fiddle Leaf Fig would be the perfect plant for the job.

Personal growth and development expand into your ability to nurture and care for beings out of selflessness and kindness. Practice makes perfect, so start by finding a big window for plenty of filtered, bright light for your Ficus in the front left part of your house for the most ideal positioning. Learning the requirements of your Ficus Lyrata (another name for the Fiddle Leaf Fig) allows you to cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation for the earth and yourself. Since the upper left corner is typically the Knowledge and Self Cultivation area on your energy map, your Fiddle Leaf Fig will thrive here.

Feng Shui Made Easy: Beginner’s Guide To Harmonizing Your Home (Feng Shui 101)


Where should plants be placed in Feng Shui?

Placement is incredibly important when it comes to designing the Feng Shui of your home. Aligning plants with certain points on a compass is a popular practice and plants as a primarily wooden influence should be placed in the East, South and Southeast places within a home for wealth, health and prosperity.

Where to place flowers in Feng Shui?

Some prefer to avoid flowers in the bedroom altogether in Feng Shui practice. Avoid Blocked Spaces: Ensure flowers don’t block pathways or create clutter. The chi should flow smoothly around them. Health and Family Areas: Placing green plants or flowers in areas associated with family and heal.

How to choose a feng shui plant?

For instance, the East sector is associated with family and health, making it an ideal place for a Feng Shui plant. Next, choose the right plant. Some popular Feng Shui plants include the Lucky Bamboo, Peace Lily, and Money Plant. These plants are known for their ability to attract positive energy.

What is feng shui plant positioning?

Let’s look at some examples of successful Feng Shui plant positioning. One classic example is the Money Plant. This plant is often placed in the southeast corner of the home, an area associated with wealth and abundance in Feng Shui. The Money Plant’s round leaves symbolize coins, further reinforcing this association.

Where should you not put plants according to feng shui?

There are a few places where you should never put plants, according to feng shui. First, You should avoid placing plants in the bathroom. This is because the bathroom is associated with waste and negativity. Second, You should avoid placing plants in the kitchen. This is because the kitchen is associated with fire and danger.

Where should feng shui plants be placed?

According to the principles of feng shui, a few rooms and locations in the home or office are not recommended for plant placement. These include: The northeast, southwest, and center of a home are associated with the earth element, and wood weakens the earth element.

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