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Where to Place American Elderberry Shrub for Perfect Feng Shui

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Feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing spaces, has become increasingly popular worldwide. By incorporating plants with symbolic meaning into a garden, feng shui principles can enhance the energy flow and create balance The American elderberry shrub is an excellent option for boosting the feng shui of an outdoor area With its protective energy and medicinal properties, placement of this shrub can invite prosperity, vitality and abundance.

The American elderberry shrub, also known by its botanical name Sambucus canadensis is a deciduous flowering plant native to North America. Growing 5-12 feet tall and wide, it produces clusters of small white flowers in spring followed by deep purple berries in summer. These berries have long been used for jellies, wines and folk remedies.

In various cultures, the elderberry is associated with concepts like protection, healing and prosperity. According to feng shui principles, plants have living energy which can enhance the flow of qi (or chi), the life force. Strategically placing a plant like the American elderberry can balance and focus qi to create positive energy in a space.

Best Locations for American Elderberry in the Garden

When incorporating an American elderberry shrub into your garden’s layout, placement is key. Here are some of the best spots to install this plant for optimal feng shui benefits:

Near the Front Entrance

Positioning the American elderberry near the main entryway to your home is an excellent way to boost the feng shui. Its protective energy serves as a buffer against negative influences, while attracting prosperity and abundance. Plant it on either side of the front door or in planters flanking the entrance.

North or East Sections

In feng shui practice, the northern and eastern areas of the garden are linked with personal development like career, knowledge and family bonds. An elderberry in these zones promotes wisdom and harmony in those aspects of life.

The Backyard or Central Garden

The heart of the garden, like a backyard space, represents the core of the overall energy. An American elderberry shrub placed centrally can balance qi flow throughout the entire garden. Use in a focal point like a raised bed.

Areas with Open Space and Sunlight

Elderberry plants thrive best with plenty of sunlight and room to grow. Avoid tight spots or sharp edges that create stagnant qi. Open, sunny areas let the elderberry’s energy mingle freely.

Caring for American Elderberries

In addition to ideal placement, proper care keeps your American elderberry shrub healthy. Here are some growing tips:

  • Provide at least 6 hours of full sun daily and well-draining soil.

  • Water 1-2 inches per week, avoiding drought.

  • Prune out dead branches every spring to encourage new growth.

  • Fertilize each spring with a balanced 10-10-10 formula.

  • Watch for pests like aphids and diseases like powdery mildew.

  • Remove weeds frequently to prevent root competition.

  • Plant complementary plants like lavender and sage nearby.

Incorporating American Elderberry into Feng Shui

Integrating an American elderberry shrub into your outdoor space can profoundly influence energy flows. Follow feng shui guidelines to enhance the plant’s positive effects:

  • Analyze garden layout and determine the best spot for the elderberry’s qi.

  • Select healthy nursery plants with good flowering/fruiting potential.

  • Prepare planting beds with rich organic matter to get shrubs off to a vigorous start.

  • Arrange elderberry shrubs in asymmetric groupings of 3 or 5 plants for balance.

  • Combine with stones, wind chimes and other feng shui-enhancing elements.

  • Extend qi flow lines with pathways, borders and vegetation.

With proper placement and care, the American elderberry infuses your garden with protective, healing energy to create a space of prosperity, abundance and tranquility. Let this graceful flowering shrub become a living symbol of positive feng shui in your own backyard.

Frequently Asked Questions About American Elderberry Shrubs

Here are answers to some common questions about incorporating American elderberry shrubs into your garden’s design:

What type of soil does the American elderberry prefer?

Elderberries thrive in slightly acidic, humusy soil that retains moisture but also drains well. Avoid planting them in dense clay or perpetually wet areas.

How much sunlight does this shrub need?

American elderberries grow best with at least 6 hours of direct sun per day. Light afternoon shade is tolerable during very hot periods.

When is the best time to plant my elderberry shrub?

Aim to plant American elderberries either in early spring before growth starts or in fall after the summer heat has passed. Avoid planting during hot, dry weather.

How much space should I allow between multiple shrubs?

Space American elderberry shrubs 5-6 feet apart to prevent overcrowding as they mature. But grouped plantings create nice feng shui energy clusters.

How often should I prune and fertilize established shrubs?

Prune out old branches each spring to rejuvenate growth. Fertilize established shrubs every spring using a balanced 10-10-10 formula.

What pests or diseases may affect elderberries?

Watch for aphids, borers, scale and powdery mildew. Maintain vigor through proper care and quickly treat any problems spotted.

How long do American elderberry shrubs live?

With proper growing conditions, American elderberries can persist for 15-20 years or longer before their productivity declines due to age.


The graceful beauty and protective energy of the American elderberry make it a perfect addition to gardens enhanced by feng shui principles. Placing this flowering shrub near entries, in key energetic zones or central backyard spaces can invite prosperity and balance qi flow. Combine proper siting with attentive care and watch your American elderberries flourish into a focal point that brings positive energy into your outdoor sanctuary.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Feng Shui Plants

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomides): Use to radiate positive energy and as a symbol of good fortune, prosperity, and wealth.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Snake Plant (Sanseviera sp.): Snake plants represent a bold and protective energy. Place in a hallway or entryway for a feeling of protection.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Aloe Vera (Aloe vera): Aloe vera helps create healing energy. It also brings good luck and harmony in relationships.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Money Tree (Pachira aquatica): The money tree represents harmony and balance. It is placed where it can attract wealth, abundance, and luck.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata): Jade plant is believed to attract wealth and good fortune.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Pothos (Epipremnumaureum): For abundance, generosity, teaching, and sharing.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Heart Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens): Known for its air-purifying properties.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum sp.): Besides being considered a good fortune plant, peace lily helps clean the air of environmental contaminants including benzene and formaldehyde.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana): Lucky bamboo is one of the most common Feng Shui plants for encouraging positive energy. It is associated with mobility in your career and improvement making it an excellent choice for office. It is also an easy-care plant requiring only moderate light conditions.

where to place american elderberry shrub for perfect feng shui

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): Spider plants long, sturdy leaves symbolize stability in life. They also absorb negative energy from unused spaces and release positive energy in return.

Experiment with the placement of your plants taking into consideration specific requirements to keep them healthy. Some plants can be toxic to humans and pets so research your choices before purchasing to see if they will be a good fit for your home. Following the guidelines in this article will help you create a harmonious part of your feng shui décor with healthy, thriving plants. You can also extend your indoor-inspired feng shui to include feng shui garden ideas for your outdoor living spaces.

How To Use The Bagua Grid For Home Or Apartment

Draw or obtain a sketch of the layout of your home to scale. Include the front door and other doorways and windows. Indicate placements of furniture, kitchen appliances, and any other structural features.

Place the bagua map over your home drawing so the south sector of the bagua map is on top of the layout and the north along the front of the house. The front door will fall into either the knowledge, career, or travel quadrants. Adjust as needed to fit the bagua to your layout. You should end up with even-sized squares over your layout.

You can also use the bagua chart to fit in each room. Just position the bagua according to the entrance door to the room. This will be considered the front door for placing the bagua.

Other things to consider when aligning your map:

  • Twists and turns: If there is a wall immediately after entering your home causing you to turn in a different direction, then orient your bagua in the new direction.
  • Rules for garage and patios: If you enter your home directly from your garage, then you should include the garage in your bagua map. Patios are not included in your bagua map unless they are enclosed for year-round use.
  • Second levels, basements, and other additional floors: You can apply the map to any level of your home. Orient the bagua to the direction of the stairs treating the stairs as the entrance. This may be a different orientation from the downstairs level if the stairs go in a different direction from the downstairs entrance, such as in many split-level homes.

Tip: If your home is not square but rectangular, you can just stretch the bagua out to fit your home.

Once you’ve aligned your bagua to your home, you will then be ready to place your houseplants.

Health Benefits Of Elderberry AND How To Grow The BEST Elderberry Bushes!

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