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Where to Buy an Aaron’s Beard Plant for Your Garden

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If you’re looking to add some vibrant color and texture to your garden, consider the lovely Aaron’s beard plant This hardy perennial is also known as rose of Sharon or creeping St John’s wort. With its bright yellow blooms and lush green foliage, it makes a fantastic ground cover or border plant.

When it comes to purchasing an Aaron’s beard plant you have several good options to choose from. Here are some of the best places to buy this beautiful plant

Check Your Local Nursery

One of the easiest ways to get your hands on an Aaron’s beard plant is to check out your local nursery garden center. Many nurseries carry a nice selection of perennials, including this variety. The benefit of buying from a local nursery is that you can see the plants in person before purchasing. This allows you to pick out healthy, robust specimens and avoid plants with disease, pests, or other damage.

Nursery staff are also usually quite knowledgeable about plant care. They can provide useful tips on how to plant, water, fertilize, and maintain your Aaron’s beard plant. If you’re unsure of exactly how to care for this plant, a quick chat with a nursery employee can help set you on the right path.

Order Online From a Reputable Seller

Can’t find the Aaron’s beard plant locally? Shopping online opens up many more options. There are numerous online retailers that sell a wide variety of live plants that ship directly to your door.

When ordering plants online, be sure to do some research first and only buy from reputable sellers. Look for companies that have plenty of positive reviews and a good return/refund policy in case the plants arrive in poor condition. A few good online sources to checkout include The Sill, Bloomscape, Etsy, and specialty perennial nurseries.

Ordering online means you can get almost any plant you want without leaving home. Just be aware that you won’t be able to personally inspect the plants before receiving them.

Visit a Nearby Botanical Garden

Botanical gardens are wonderful places to view beautiful plants from around the world. Many gardens also have gift shops or plant sales where you can purchase specimens grown right on site.

Check out the botanical gardens in your area to see if they offer Aaron’s beard plants for sale. The plants available will depend on the garden’s growing conditions and geographic location. But you may luck out and find this colorful perennial ready to take home.

An added bonus of buying from a botanical garden is that the plants are already acclimated to your local environment. And the proceeds from your purchase help support the garden’s conservation and education programs.

Stop by a Garden Center

Garden centers and plant nurseries are ideal spots to search for the Aaron’s beard plant. These gardening specialty stores offer a wide selection of plants, shrubs, trees, and supplies conveniently in one place. Many garden centers employ master gardeners who can recommend the best plants for your growing zone and conditions.

Let the garden center staff know you’re looking for the Aaron’s beard plant. They can point you to the perennial section where this plant is likely shelved. Beautiful specimens in pots or flats are usually ready to purchase.

While at the garden center, you can also pick up supplies like fertilizer, garden tools, and anything else you need for planting and caring for your new addition.

Attend a Local Plant Swap

For a more budget-friendly option, see if there are any plant swaps in your community. Plant swaps provide a way for gardeners to trade specimens with each other, often at little or no cost.

Join gardening groups on social media or check event listings for upcoming swaps. Let fellow gardeners know you have an Aaron’s beard plant on your wish list. Perhaps someone will have a young plant or cutting to share.

Plant swaps are also great for finding rare, unusual, or hard to find varieties. And they provide an opportunity to connect with other local planting enthusiasts. You can get advice on caring for your new plant and share your own gardening knowledge.

Purchase at a Farmers Market

Farmer’s markets are excellent places to find fresh produce, baked goods, and arts and crafts. But many markets also have vendors selling live plants and flowers.

Stop by your local farmers market and explore the plant offerings. Chat with the growers and sellers to find out if any are currently selling the Aaron’s beard plant.

Buying plants from farmers markets supports small, local growers in your community. And the plants sold are usually already acclimated to the climate and soil conditions in your area.

Check for Wild Specimens

If you happen to live in an area where the Aaron’s beard plant grows wild, you may be able to collect your own specimens. This perennial can be found growing naturally in certain parts of Europe, Asia, and North America.

Always check regulations before removing any plants from public property. You don’t want to mistakenly dig up anything illegal or harmful to natural habitats.

When collecting plants from the wild, be sure to get permission from the landowner first. Carefully dig up younger, smaller plants with their root systems intact. Replant them quickly in containers or your garden. Providing the right care will help wild plants thrive in their new home.

Buy Seeds and Start from Scratch

If you don’t mind waiting a while for your Aaron’s beard plant, starting from seeds is an option. Some online sellers and nurseries offer packs of Aaron’s beard seeds for purchase.

This route does require more time and effort on your part. You’ll need to sow the seeds in containers indoors and care for them as they germinate and grow into seedlings. It usually takes 1-2 months before they’re ready to transplant outside.

But growing from seed can be more rewarding and you gain more plants for your gardening dollar. Follow proper procedures and provide the right conditions for the best results.

Key Tips for Buying an Aaron’s Beard Plant

Wherever you choose to get your Aaron’s beard plant, keep these tips in mind:

  • Select young plants with healthy foliage and roots. Avoid plants that are overgrown, discolored, or pest-infested.

  • If buying online, read reviews and only order from reputable sellers that guarantee live delivery.

  • For seeds, check package dates and stick with fresh seeds from this year or last for optimal germination.

  • Time your purchase so plants arrive at the right time for planting in your region.

  • Inspect plants closely before purchasing. Look for signs of disease, damage, weeds, or other problems.

  • Ask about the plant’s growing requirements and care to make sure it will thrive in your conditions.

  • Be prepared to plant your new addition right away in an ideal spot with proper soil, sun, and drainage.

Caring for Your New Aaron’s Beard Plant

Once you get your Aaron’s beard plant home, be sure to give it proper care to help it flourish. Here are some key tips for growing a healthy, vibrant plant:

  • Choose a site with full sun to part shade and well-drained soil. Amend soil with compost if needed.

  • Plant at the same depth as the nursery pot and water thoroughly after planting.

  • Apply a balanced fertilizer or slow-release plant food at planting time and in early spring.

  • Water 1-2 inches per week during the first season to establish an extensive root system.

  • Mulch around the plant to retain soil moisture and control weeds.

  • Prune back by 1/3 after flowering to encourage bushy new growth.

  • Monitor for pests like spider mites, scale, and aphids and treat promptly if found.

  • Cut back any damaged or diseased growth immediately to prevent spreading.

  • Divide large plants every 2-3 years in spring to control spread and promote flowering.

  • Prepare for winter after the first hard frost by cutting back and mulching.

With the right growing conditions and care, the Aaron’s beard plant will reward you with years of bright, colorful blooms and lively texture in your garden. What are you waiting for? Get out there and find one to plant this season!

where to purchase a aarons beard plant

Aaron’s Beard


Is Aaron’s Beard the same as St John’s Wort?

Creeping Saint-John’s-wort (H. calycinum), sometimes known as rose of Sharon or Aaron’s-beard, and goldencup Saint-John’s-wort (H. patulum) are both shrubby East Asian species.

What is another name for Aaron’s beard?

Widely cultivated for its large yellow flowers, its names as a garden plant include rose-of-Sharon in Britain and Australia, and Aaron’s beard, great St-John’s wort, creeping St. John’s wort and Jerusalem star.

How do you care for Aaron’s beard plant?

Aaron’s Beard prefers fertile, loamy well-drained acidic soil, but it is easily grown in any well-drained but moisture retentive soil including dry soils and heavy clay. It will grow in sun or shade, but flowers best in a sunny position.

What plant is known as Aaron’s beard?

Description Creeping St. John’s wort, often known as Aaron’s beard, is one of the most highly adaptable ground covers in the trade as it will spread vigorously to quickly cover a hillside or embankment, even in conditions of shade.

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