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Why Are My African Corn Lily Flower Leaves Turning Yellow?

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African corn lily (Ixia) is a popular flowering plant known for its vibrant, colorful blooms that can brighten up any garden However, you may notice the leaves turning yellow at some point during the growing season. Yellowing leaves are usually a sign that something is wrong and the plant is stressed

There are several potential reasons why the leaves on your African corn lily may be turning yellow. By understanding the possible causes, you can take the right steps to restore your plant to health.


One of the most common reasons for yellow leaves on African corn lily is overwatering. These plants thrive in well-drained soil and do not like soggy conditions. If you are watering too frequently or the soil lacks proper drainage, excess moisture can build up in the pot. This leads to weakened roots that cannot properly absorb nutrients, causing the leaves to yellow.

Check the soil before watering – if it is still moist 2-3 inches below the surface, hold off on adding more water Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings Improving drainage by adding perlite or small rocks to the potting mix can also help prevent overwatering issues.


On the flip side, allowing the soil to completely dry out can also cause yellowing leaves. African corn lily relies on moist (but not soggy) soil to support healthy growth If you forget to water for an extended period, the plant can become stressed.

Check the soil frequently, especially in warmer weather when pots dry out more quickly. Water thoroughly until it drains from the bottom whenever the top few inches become dry. Be sure the plant receives at least 1 inch of water each week for best results.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Lack of essential nutrients like nitrogen, iron, magnesium, and manganese can also lead to yellowing. This usually occurs when the soil is depleted and needs fertilization. Insufficient light exposure can also impact the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients through photosynthesis.

Use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every 2-4 weeks during the growing season. Place the plant in a spot with bright, indirect light to ensure adequate light exposure. Trim off any severely yellowed leaves to promote new growth.

Cold Temperatures

African corn lily thrives in warm weather and can suffer damage when exposed to cold conditions. If temperatures dip below 50°F (10°C), the leaves may start to yellow and exhibit frost damage. Bring potted plants indoors or provide protective covering outdoors if chilly weather is expected.

Root Rot

Too much moisture can lead to root rot, a fungal disease. Infected roots turn brown or black, stop functioning properly, and cause leaves to yellow. Check for mushy, foul-smelling roots if you suspect root rot. Immediately repot in fresh, sterile potting mix if damaged roots are found.


Insect infestations can also cause yellowing. Aphids, spider mites, thrips, and other sucking pests extract plant fluids and leave behind yellow spotted leaves. Other signs of pests include sticky residue on foliage or visible bugs. Use organic insecticidal soap as soon as any pests are detected.

Old Age

As African corn lily plants mature and reach the end of their natural life cycle, yellowing of lower leaves is normal. This is not preventable, but removing the aging leaves keeps the plant looking attractive. Fertilize and water correctly to prolong the plant’s lifespan.

Other Causes

Other factors that could potentially contribute to yellow leaves include transplant stress, droughts, high winds, salt buildup, and viral or fungal diseases. Rule out the most common reasons first, then investigate other possibilities based on your specific growing conditions.

With proper care, African corn lily will reward you withlasting color and appeal in the garden. Pay close attention for any early signs of yellow leaves, then address the underlying cause right away. Taking quick action at the first signs of trouble can help restore health and prevent further decline. With a little detective work and prompt adjustments to care, your African corn lilies will keep their leaves vibrant green all season long.

why are my african corn lily flower leaves turning yellow

How to fix Dracaena leaves turning yellow ?


How do you fix yellow leaves on corn plants?

The solution is to side dress with a high nitrogen fertilizer. Cool weather can also make corn plant leaves turn yellow. Again, this is due to a lack of nitrogen. When soil is cool and wet, the corn has trouble absorbing nitrogen from the soil.

Why are the leaves on my lily flower turning yellow?

Drooping or yellowing leaves can be a sign of both underwatering and overwatering. You should only be watering when the top 50% of the potting mix has completely dried out. Water thoroughly until it flows out of the drainage hole and discard any excess water.

Why are my leaves turning yellow during flowering?

Leaves turning yellow during flowering can result from nutrient deficiencies, watering problems, pests, or natural aging of the plant.

Why is my African lily turning yellow?

Overwatering can cause the leaves to turn yellow and can lead to root rot. Chlorosis: Chlorosis is a condition in which the plant is unable to produce enough chlorophyll, causing the leaves to turn yellow. This can be caused by a lack of iron or other micronutrients in the soil.

Why are my corn leaves turning yellow?

Yellowing leaves are often a sign of a problem with the nutrient uptake process, either due to water competition from nearby grass or drought conditions. Corn plants get 13 of the 16 required nutrients for growth through the soil, either through direct contact as roots grow or via mass flow or diffusion.

How do you know if a corn plant lacks sulfur?

If the corn plants lack sulfur, the new leaves at the top will show a greenish-yellow discoloration. Lack of nitrogen is seen in the corn plant if the older leaves start turning yellow at the tips. And gradually the entire leaf turns yellow in a V-shape until it wilts and falls off.

Why is my corn plant turning brown?

Potassium is another essential nutrient for corn plants. Its deficiency can cause yellowing of the leaf margins, which then spreads towards the center of the leaf. The leaves may also develop brown spots, and the plant growth may be stunted. To prevent potassium deficiency, farmers can use potassium fertilizer.

How do you know if a corn plant has a nitrogen deficiency?

Nitrogen deficiency in corn plants can be identified by the yellowing of bottom leaves, stunted growth, and reduced yield. The yellowing of leaves starts from the tip and progresses towards the base. The leaves become pale green or yellowish-green and may develop brown or yellow spots. The veins of the leaves remain green.

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