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Why Are My Bald Cypress Tree Leaves Turning Yellow?

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Bald cypress trees are known for their beautiful, feathery green foliage. However, if you notice your bald cypress tree’s leaves turning yellow, it can be cause for concern. Yellowing leaves on bald cypress trees can indicate several different problems that need to be addressed. In this article, we’ll explore the various reasons why bald cypress leaves turn yellow and provide tips to restore your tree’s vibrant color.

Common Causes of Yellow Leaves on Bald Cypress Trees

Lack of water

One of the most common reasons for yellow bald cypress leaves is insufficient watering. Bald cypress trees prefer consistently moist soil, especially in hot weather. If the soil dries out too much between waterings, the leaves will start to yellow and drop. Make sure to deeply water your bald cypress regularly to keep the soil moist but not saturated.


While bald cypresses need plenty of water, overwatering can also lead to yellow leaves. Excess moisture suffocates the roots, causing root rot and preventing proper nutrient absorption. Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings to prevent waterlogging.

Nutrient deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies often cause chlorosis or yellowing in bald cypress foliage. These trees specifically need adequate iron, magnesium, and manganese. Use a fertilizer formulated for acid-loving plants at the recommended strength and frequency. Avoid over-fertilizing, which can damage roots.

Soil pH imbalance

Bald cypresses prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5.5-6.5. If the soil pH drifts too far outside this range, nutrient deficiencies develop. Test soil pH yearly and amend as needed with sulfur to lower or lime to raise.


Sucking insects like spider mites, aphids, and scale extract nutrients and fluids from leaves, causing yellowing. Apply horticultural oil or insecticidal soap as directed on labels to control infestations. Be sure to target undersides of leaves.


Root, stem, and leaf diseases can impair nutrient uptake, leading to chlorosis. Water bald cypress trees at the base to reduce moisture on foliage and prevent disease spread. Remove and destroy affected plant parts.

Environmental factors

Excessive heat, drought, overexposure to sun, poor drainage, compacted roots, and air pollution can all create stress that turns bald cypress leaves yellow. Improve growing conditions by mulching, providing shade, eliminating root competition, and addressing soil compaction.

Natural autumn color change

Bald cypresses shed their needles in fall, with the foliage first turning pale green, then yellowish to brown. This natural color change is nothing to worry about. The tree will regrow fresh new leaves in spring.

Correcting Yellow Leaves on Bald Cypress Trees

Now that we’ve covered the reasons bald cypress tree leaves may turn yellow, let’s discuss how to fix the issue:

Check soil moisture – Test the soil to ensure bald cypress trees are getting adequate (but not excessive) water. Adjust watering frequency and volume accordingly.

Improve drainage – Replant bald cypresses in well-draining soil if needed. Create raised planting beds in poorly draining areas.

Fertilize appropriately – Have soil tested to identify nutrient shortages. Choose an acidic fertilizer and follow directions to prevent over-fertilization. Apply chelated iron if deficiency is specifically suspected.

Treat pests – Identify and control any pests like spider mites that may be plaguing your bald cypress. Focus on full coverage with insecticidal soap.

Prune affected foliage – Remove yellowed or diseased leaves and branches. This stops disease spread and promotes new growth. Disinfect tools between cuts.

Reduce environmental stress – Add mulch, create shade structures, relocate containers out of intense sun, and eliminate nearby vegetation competing for resources.

Wait for autumn leaf drop – If yellowing is due to natural seasonal change, no action is required. The bald cypress will regrow fresh new needles in spring.

Preventing Future Yellowing of Leaves

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to bald cypress tree health. Here are some tips to keep your tree’s foliage vibrant:

  • Water thoroughly and deeply to moisten the entire root zone during dry periods
  • Test and amend soil pH annually to maintain the ideal slightly acidic range
  • Apply fertilizer for acid-loving plants in early spring before new growth emerges
  • Keep the area under bald cypress trees free of turfgrass and weeds
  • Use a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch to conserve moisture and reduce weeds
  • Monitor regularly for pest problems and treat early before infestations escalate
  • Prune only during dormancy to reduce stress on the tree

Catching and correcting yellow needles early before leaf drop occurs will yield the best results. With proper care, you can keep your bald cypress tree looking beautiful and healthy for years to come. Pay attention for any signs of trouble and be prepared to take action if those prized green needles start turning yellow.

why are my bald cypress tree leaves turning yellow

It may look DEAD, but it’s not! Bald Cypress Trees: Are my trees dead?? (Tree: Lindsey Skyward)


Why is my bald cypress tree turning yellow?

Chlorosis: You should monitor your Bald Cypress for signs of Chlorosis, which is when the leaves on your tree turn prematurely yellow, especially during periods of drought. Chlorosis is typically caused by iron deficiency.

How do I fix yellow leaves on my tree?

As is often the case, the best things to do about summer leaf yellowing are things that are done before summer arrives. For trees, these include regular mulching and fertilizing, careful pruning, accurate irrigation and, as always, the right tree planted in the right place.

How often should I water bald cypress?

During the growing season, aim to deep water once a week, but as the seasons change, so should your routine. In the heat of summer, your bald cypress may require more frequent deep watering sessions, while in the cooler months, you can scale back.

Do bald cypress trees like a lot of water?

Bald cypresses are well-adapted to wet conditions along riverbanks and swamps.

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