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Why Are Your Amaryllis Leaves Turning Yellow? Causes and Solutions

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As a gardener, nothing is more worrying than seeing your beautiful amaryllis plant suddenly developing yellow leaves. But don’t panic! In many cases, yellowing leaves can be easily corrected if caught early. In this article, we’ll cover the most common reasons behind yellow amaryllis leaves and effective solutions to get your plant back to its vibrant self.

Top Causes of Yellow Amaryllis Leaves

Here are the usual suspects behind yellowing amaryllis foliage:


Amaryllis need consistently moist soil. Allowing pots to dry out too much between waterings stresses the plant. Without sufficient water, leaves yellow and die.


While amaryllis hate to dry out, they also detest wet feet! Excess moisture suffocates roots leading to decay and impaired nutrient uptake Leaves turn yellow and roots appear dark brown or black


Amaryllis prefer partial shade. Too much hot, direct sunlight scorches leaves, turning the edges yellow, then brown. Leaf tips may also appear burnt. Move plants to dappled light.

Nutrient Deficiency

Lack of nutrients like nitrogen causes uniform yellowing of lower leaves first. Without fertilizer, amaryllis cannot maintain vibrant growth long-term.

Cold Damage

Temperatures below 50°F injure amaryllis foliage Chilled leaves turn soggy and yellow, Protect plants from drafts and keep away from cold windows in winter


Insects like aphids whiteflies and spider mites suck plant juices, causing stippling, spotting, or bronzing. Pests also spread diseases leading to yellowing.


As the bulb ages over 2-3 years, lower leaves naturally yellow and die back. Remove them to maintain a tidy appearance. Divide congested bulbs.


Fungal and bacterial diseases disrupt nutrient flow in the plant. Leaf spots, blotches, and blights cause spotty or generalized yellowing.

Simple Solutions to Restore Green Leaves

Now that we’ve uncovered why your amaryllis may be turning yellow, here are some tips to nurse it back to health:

  • Check soil moisture – Stick your finger in the pot. Water thoroughly only when soil is partly dry.

  • Improve drainage – Repot in a container with drainage holes using fresh potting mix.

  • Find the “Goldilocks” spot – Move plants away from hot sun and drafty locations to a warm area with gentle ambient light.

  • Wipe leaves – Remove dust to maximize light absorption. Wash off insects and apply insecticidal soap if pests are present.

  • Apply fertilizer – Feed plants monthly through the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

  • Remove spent leaves – Clip off any dead or dying yellow foliage at the base to improve appearance.

  • Divide congested bulbs – Gently break apart bulbs that are crowded and repot. Discard any rotted bulbs or roots.

  • Treat diseases – Remove affected leaves. Apply appropriate organic fungicides or bactericides if leaf spots or blights are identified.

  • Be patient – It takes time for amaryllis plants to generate new green growth. Continue optimal care and wait for leaves to gradually recover.

With some attentive care and TLC, an amaryllis with yellowing leaves can often make a full comeback. But if problems persist or recur frequently, it may suggest issues with the bulb. Replacing spent bulbs every few years rejuvenates amaryllis plants and avoids ongoing headaches.

why are your amaryllis plant leaves turning yellow causes and solutions

️ Not Enough Water: The Underwatering Equation

On the flip side, underwatering can also lead to yellow leaves. Symptoms include wilting, dry soil, and leaves that feel as lifeless as yesterdays toast. Your Dragon Amaryllis needs a drink when the top inch of soil is dry, but dont turn it into a flood.

Unwanted Guests: Pests and Diseases That Cause Yellowing

Yellowing leaves on your Dragon Amaryllis can be a red flag for pests and diseases. Inspect the undersides of leaves and stems for any signs of infestation. Mealybugs, spider mites, and nematodes are the usual suspects, leaving behind yellowing leaves as evidence of their presence. Fungal diseases, like root and crown rot, stealthily attack your plant, often going unnoticed until the damage is visible.

Why Amaryllis Leaves Turn Yellow & What To Do About It

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