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Why Your Barbara Karst Bougainvillea Plant Is Growing Sideways

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Nurture your bougainvillea back to vibrant health with these essential care tips and problem solvers!

Barbara Karst bougainvillea are known for their vibrant fuschia-pink blooms that create an eye-catching pop of color However, if you’ve noticed your prized Barbara Karst plant growing sideways instead of upright, it likely indicates an underlying issue There are a few key reasons why bougainvillea plants exhibit sideways growth and how to get your plant back on track.

Causes of Sideways Growth in Bougainvillea

There are four main factors that commonly cause Barbara Karst bougainvillea to grow sideways:

Insufficient Sunlight

Bougainvillea are sun-loving plants that thrive in full sun locations Barbara Karst bougainvillea needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily for optimal growth and flowering Without adequate sunlight, the plant stems start to get leggy and lean sideways searching for light.

Make sure to situate your Barbara Karst bougainvillea in the sunniest part of your yard. Trim back any branches or vegetation that shade the plant. Consider supplemental grow lights if natural sunlight is insufficient.


Inconsistent watering leads to plant stress, causing bougainvillea to wilt and bend. While drought tolerant when established, bougainvillea still require 1-2 inches of water weekly in hot weather. Soil should be allowed to partially dry out between waterings.

Give your Barbara Karst bougainvillea a deep watering 2-3 times a week during summer and reduce frequency in winter. Check soil moisture before watering.

Lack of Support

Bougainvillea are vining plants by nature and will grow along supportive structures. Without a trellis, fence or post to climb, Barbara Karst branches end up sprawling sideways along the ground seeking support.

Install a sturdy trellis, post or wire support structure near your bougainvillea. Gently tie new growth to direct it along the support.

Improper Pruning

Overly-aggressive pruning or incorrect techniques disrupt the plant’s natural shape. Removing too much growth at once stresses the plant, causing excessive horizontal branching.

Prune Barbara Karst bougainvillea lightly and frequently. Use sharp bypass pruners to remove dead wood or overgrown stems just above leaf nodes.

How to Fix Sideways Growth

If your Barbara Karst bougainvillea is already growing horizontally, take corrective steps to get it growing upright again:

  • Stake the main stems and loosely tie them to the support to train upward growth.

  • Make clean cuts at 45 degree angles just above outward facing buds to encourage vertical branches.

  • Apply a nitrogen fertilizer to stimulate strong vertical growth. Follow label directions.

  • Improve sunlight exposure and reduce competition from nearby plants.

  • Provide consistent deep watering when top few inches of soil become dry.

  • Monitor for pests like aphids that can distort growth if infestations occur.

  • Be patient! It may take a full growing season to reorient sideways stems.

Encourage Upright Habit

Prevention is key to keep your Barbara Karst bougainvillea growing happily upright year after year. Follow these tips:

  • Situate in full sun – at least 6 hours of direct sun daily.

  • Install sturdy supports early before planting. Use adjustable plant rings or hoops if needed.

  • Water 1-2 inches weekly. Check soil moisture before watering.

  • Apply balanced fertilizer monthly during growing season.

  • Prune lightly and often to direct growth and shape.

  • Monitor for pests like thrips that distort growth if left untreated.

  • Shelter from strong winds that can blow stems sideways.

When to Worry

While some sideways growth is normal, contact a professional if you notice:

  • Stems growing from just one side of the main stem

  • Leaning more than 45 degrees with excessive horizontal side shoots

  • Wilting, yellowing leaves, branch dieback

  • Weak overall growth and very few flowers

  • Evidence of pest infestation like sticky honeydew or scarring

  • Soil stays soggy for extended time after watering

These can indicate an underlying problem requiring diagnosis and treatment. A local extension office can help identify specific plant health issues.

Enjoy Gorgeous Upright Blooms

With its fiery pinkish-purple blooms, Barbara Karst bougainvillea makes a striking addition to any tropical garden. By providing optimal sunlight, water, pruning and support, you can keep your bougainvillea growing upright and flourishing. Pay close attention to your plant and correct any leaning stems right away before sideways growth gets out of hand. With proper care, you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful vertically trained bougainvillea boasting colorful bracts cascading down.

why your barbara karst bougainvillea plant is growing sideways

Light and Temperature: Finding the Sweet Spot

Barbara Karst Bougainvillea thrives in full sun, but like a pale tourist at the equator, it can get too much of a good thing. Leaf scorching manifests as crispy, brown patches, signaling an excess of direct sunlight and potentially hindering the plants extravagant flowering.

To prevent your bougainvillea from frying, introduce afternoon shade. This can be a lifesaver during peak sun hours, especially in scorching summer months. Its like giving your plant a pair of sunglasses—protection is key.

Root Revival: Steps to Save Your Plant from the Ground Up

Aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs are the bane of bougainvillea. These pests are like uninvited guests who overstay their welcome, sapping the life out of your vibrant plant.

Check for sticky leaves or fine webs—these are the calling cards of these freeloading critters.

Ladybugs and lacewings are your gardens secret service agents. They work undercover to take down pests. If chemical warfare is necessary, insecticidal soap or neem oil can be your discreet, eco-friendly weapons of choice.

How to Grow Beautiful Barbara Karst Bougainvillea – Tips and Tricks for Success


How to fix a plant growing sideways?

This is another thing that can happen due to plants growing toward the light. If all the light is coming from one side, that side of the plant will grow vigorously while the opposite side barely grows at all. Solution: So simple. Just rotate your plant 90 degrees every couple of weeks.

How do you keep bougainvillea straight?

Plant your bougainvilleas into a container or directly into the soil, making sure to keep it level and upright so as not to disrupt its precious roots. It’s best if you can plant them at least six feet away from the nearest object so they can grow to their full height before being cut back.

How to prune barbara karst bougainvillea?

Always prune this plant immediately after flowering. Be aware that repetitive pruning may reduce flowering as this plant flowers on new growth. Pinching the tips of new growth will encourage branching. Cuttings 4-6 in.

How do you train a Barbara karst bougainvillea?

Your Barbara Karst bougainvillea will eventually turn into an upright shrub with cascading or flowing branches – once the main stems mature and become woody. While they are young they can be trained by staking them upright. If you remove the stake the branches will try to cascade down and creep along the ground.

Why does my Barbara karst bougainvillea lose its leaves?

There are times when my Barbara Karst Bougainvillea loses its leaves, particularly if it gets too cold. It’s a semi-deciduous plant, which means it can shed its leaves in response to stress, like a drop in temperature or insufficient water. However, once the conditions improve, it usually bounces back with new growth.

Is Barbara karst Bougainvillea a perennial?

Yes, the Barbara Karst Bougainvillea is indeed a perennial, and that’s one of the reasons I love it so much. It comes back year after year with its stunning, vibrant red blooms. It’s a joy to see it flourish through the seasons, especially when many other plants have finished their blooming period.

How much water does Barbara karst bougainvillea need?

Barbara Karst Bougainvillea needs 0.8 cups of water every 9 days when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5.0″ pot. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants. Does your plant get direct sunlight?

Does Barbara karst bougainvillea have thorns?

One thing I quickly learned is that Barbara Karst Bougainvillea does have thorns. They can be quite sharp, so I always wear gloves when handling or pruning the plant. Despite the thorns, it’s absolutely worth it for the incredible display of color it provides.

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